GAUSS-00062: “column %s.%s does not exist” SQLSTATE: 42703 错误原因:列名或者为空,或者拼写错误,或者不是关系表中定义的列名。 解决办法:请通过\d tblname检查当前指定的列名是否为表中指定的列名,如果不正确,请修改为合法的列名。 GAUSS-00063: “column '%s' not found in data type %s” SQLSTATE:...
1,2) from dual;ERROR: function nvl2(integer, integer, integer) does not existLINE 1: select nvl2(100,1,2) from dual;HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.CONTEXT: referenced column: nvl2 ...
错误原因:ALTER TABLE VALIDATE CONSTRAINT操作时,parent table添加的约束同样应添加到child table上。 解决办法:建议对parent table添加的约束同样添加到child table上。 GAUSS-00767: “column '%s' referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist” SQLSTATE: 42703 错误原因:关系表外键约束的参考列不存在。
sql openGauss=# select gs_explain_model("ecoli_svmc"); ERROR: column "ecoli_svmc" does not exist 推断阶段。 场景十:当模型名在系统表中查找不到,数据库会报ERROR,例如: vbnet openGauss=# select id, PREDICT BY patient_logistic_regression (FEATURES second_attack,treatment) FROM patients; ERRO...
insert into test1 values(1,hello); #ERROR: column "hello" does not exist insert into test1 values(2,`hello`); #ERROR: column "hello" does not exist insert into test1 values(3,'hello'); #OK insert into test1 values(4,"hello"); #ERROR: column "hello" does not exist ...
ERROR: column "systimestamp" does not exist LINE 1: select systimestamp from dual; CONTEXT: referenced column: systimestamp postgres=# select localtimestamp from dual; 2020-11-02 09:39:22.382455 ...
ERROR: function nvl2(integer, integer, integer) does not exist LINE 1: select nvl2(100,1,2) from dual; HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CONTEXT: referenced column: nvl2 ...
ERROR: function format(numeric, integer) does not exist LINE 1: select format(1234.567,2); ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
LONG postgres=# create table t_long(col LONG);ERROR: type “long” does not existLINE 1: create table t_long(col LONG); 数字 Oracle 包含 5 种数字类型:INT、NUMBER、FLOAT、BINARY_FLOAT、BINARY_DOUBLE。INT 为整型,NUMBER 为双精度浮点数,精度可以高达 38 位,它有两个限定符,如:column NUMBER(...