读取失败读取成功opengaussGAUSS_WARING_TYPEGAUSS_WARNING_TYPE 总结 opengauss不能读取GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE环境变量是因为该环境变量的名称被错误地设置为"GAUSS_WARING_TYPE"。要解决这个问题,只需将环境变量的名称更正为"GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE"即可。 我们提供了一个示例代码,用于演示如何正确设置GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE环境变量。
datadir is /gauss/data/db1 [2023-07-11 17:14:27.257][73207][][gs_ctl]: waiting for server to start...0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: Euler3 0 LOG: [Alarm Module...
gaussdb.state does not exist, and skipt setting since it is optional.2021-04-01 09:59:21.359 [unknown] [unknown] localhost 140033854506752 0 0 [BACKEND] LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 2021-04-01 09:59:21.359 [unknown] [unknown] localhost 140033854506752 0 0 [B...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: Euler3 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Cluster Name: gscluster 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Invalid data in AlarmItem file! Read alarm English name failed! line: ...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: master01 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: master01. Copy hostname directly in case of taking 10s to use 'gethostbyname' when /etc/hosts does not contain <HOST IP> 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Cluste...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: gaussdb1 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: gaussdb1. Copy hostname directly in case of taking 10s to use 'gethostbyname' when /etc/hosts does not contain <HOST IP> ...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: L7DBMerge.base.online 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: L7DBMerge.base.online. Copy hostname directly in case of taking 10s to use 'gethostbyname' when /etc/hosts does not contain <HOST IP> ...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: superman-21 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: superman-21\. Copy hostname directly in case of taking 10s to use 'gethostbyname' when /etc/hosts does not contain <HOST IP> ...
.0 LOG: [Alarm Module]can not read GAUSS_WARNING_TYPE env. 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host Name: gaussdb04 0 LOG: [Alarm Module]Host IP: gaussdb04. Copy hostname directly in case of taking 10s to use 'gethostbyname' when /etc/hosts does not contain <HOST IP> ...
Ssl 10:49 0:02 /u01/app/openGauss/bin/gaussdb -D /u01/app/openGauss/data/single_node $ tail -6 $HOME/.bashrc # User specific aliases and functions export GAUSSHOME=/u01/app/openGauss export PATH=$GAUSSHOME/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GAUSSHOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export GS_...