rotateImage(src, dst, degree); cout << "angle:" << degree << endl; imshow("旋转调整后", dst); Mat resulyImage = dst(Rect(0, 0, dst.cols, 500)); //根据先验知识,估计好文本的长宽,再裁剪下来 imshow("裁剪之后", resulyImage); imwrite("recified.jpg", resulyImage); } int main(...
points.push_back(cv::Point(srcImage.cols, srcImage.rows)); points.push_back(cv::Point(0, srcImage.rows)); cv::Mat outputImage; rotateImage(srcImage, outputImage, points, cv::Point(40, 70), 0.4); cv::imshow("原图", srcImage); cv::imshow("旋转得到的图像", outputImage); cv::w...
opencv2: voidrotate_cw(constcv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& dest,intdegrees) {switch(degrees %360) {case0: dest=image.clone();break;case90: cv::flip(image.t(), dest,1);break;case180: cv::flip(image, dest,-1);break;case270: cv::flip(image.t(), dest,0);break;default: cv::Mat ...
rotate4->setText("沿y轴翻转"); QRadioButton*rotate5 =newQRadioButton(this); rotate5->move(rotate4->x()+rotate4->width(),rotate1->y()+rotate1->height()+5); rotate5->setText("沿x轴翻转"); QRadioButton*rotate6 =newQRadioButton(this); rotate6->move(rotate5->x()+rotate5->wi...
rotate函数参数说明 实例代码 imutils环境安装 逆时针旋转33度 图像翻转 图像上下翻转 图像左右翻转 图像上下左右翻转 总结 前言 计算机视觉市场巨大而且持续增长,且这方面没有标准API,如今的计算机视觉软件大概有以下三种: 1、研究代码(慢,不稳定,独立并与其他库不兼容) ...
def image_rotate(src, rotate=0): h,w,c = src.shape cos_val = np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotate)) sin_val = np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotate)) M = np.float32([[cos_val, -sin_val, 0], [sin_val, cos_val, 0]]) img = cv.warpAffine(src, M, (w,h)) ...
void Rotate(const cv::Mat &srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, double angle, cv::Point2f center, double scale) { cv::Mat M = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);//计算旋转的仿射变换矩阵 cv::warpAffine(srcImage, dstImage, M, cv::Size(srcImage.cols, srcImage.rows));//仿射变...
binary = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(~gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 35, 0) ## 图片旋转 def rotate_bound(image, angle): # # 获取宽高 # (h, w) = image.shape[:2] # (cX, cY) = (w // 2, h // 2) ...
imshow("Rotated image", rotated_image);waitKey(0);// save the rotated image to diskimwrite("rotated_im.jpg", rotated_image); 使用OpenCV转换图像 代码如下: Python import cv2import numpy as np# read the imageimage = cv2.imread('image.jpg')# get the width and height of the imageheigh...
imshow("Source image", src); imshow("Warp", warp_dst); imshow("Warp + Rotate", warp_rotate_dst); waitKey(0); return ; } 效果: 配套视频: opencv图像处理模块(18) —— 仿射变换_哔哩哔哩