/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding:utf-8 import cv2 as cv import numpy as np def draw_points(image, points): for point in points: cv.circle(image, tuple(point), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1) def main(): # 读入图像 im_src = cv.imread('src.jpeg') im_dst = cv.imread('dst.jpeg') ...
elif point[1]<rect[1]: return False elif point[0]>rect[2]: return False elif point[1] >rect[3]: return False return True # Draw a point def draw_point(img,p,color): cv2.circle(img,p,2,color) #Draw delaunay triangles def draw_delaunay(img,subdiv,delaunay_color): trangleList = ...
if point[0]<rect[0]: returnFalse elifpoint[1]<rect[1]: return False elif point[0]>rect[2]: return False elif point[1] >rect[3]: return False return True # Draw a point def draw_point(img,p,color): cv2.circle(img,p,2,color) #Draw delaunay triangles def draw_delaunay(img,subd...
draw.point(坐标, 颜色) 坐标:两个元组的序列[(x, y), (x, y), ...]或类似的数值[x, y, x, y, ...] draw.line(起始坐标+终点坐标, 颜色, 宽度) 坐标:两个元组的序列[(x, y), (x, y), ...]或类似的数值[x, y, x, y, ...] draw.rectangle(坐标,填充颜色,轮廓颜色,宽度) 坐标...
SIFT (尺度不变特征变换)和 SURF (加速稳健特征)是图像处理中常用的特征描述算法,用于提取图像中的...
draw.point((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # PS: OpenCV don't has a function that draw a pixel directly so we don't show the code here 9)图片其他绘图操作(matrix & pillow object & opencv ) 这里我们测试画直线、画矩形、画圆(不包括matrix)、画椭圆操作(不包括matrix)、绘制文字(不包括matrix...
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)# ImageDraw.Point draw.point((0,0), (255,255,255))# PS: OpenCV don't has a function that draw a pixel directly so we don't show the code here 9)图片其他绘图操作(matrix & pillow object & opencv ) ...
opencv-python图像处理模块(一) 本章节主要记录了图像颜色空间转换(着重讲述了hsv空间和对应的一个roi颜色提取实验);图形的基本绘制,包括绘制直线,矩形,圆和椭圆,还有中英文文字绘制;利用鼠标和键盘控制绘制图形,在图像上面显示某一点的坐标和对应的rgb像素值或者hsv值;以及在图片合适的位置添加logo水印。
def draw_circle(self, event, x, y, flags, param): if event ==CV2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.drawing = True elif event ==CV2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: if self.drawing: for index, point_count in enumerate(self.point_counts): self.draw_point(index, x, y) ...