Link: 简称小球环境,也是MADDPG用的环境,基本上可以看做是较为复杂的 gridworld 的环境。 在这个环境涵盖了ma里的竞争/协作/通讯场景,你可以根据你的需要设置agent的数量,选择他们要完成的任务,比如合作进行相互抓捕,碰撞等,你也可以继承某一个环境来改写自己的任...
Code for a multi-agent particle environment used in the paper "Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments" - openai/multiagent-particle-envs
评论区有人对输入动作(action)的第一个数据位所表示的信息提出疑问,这里我先贴出multiagent-particle-envs环境工程中,multi_discrete.py文件的一段描述 引用自openai的multiagent-particle-envs项目 可以看出,离散动作表示时,1*5维的action中首位用来表示NOOP,即无操作。 在environment.py文件,173-181行代码可以看到...
Code for a multi-agent particle environment used in the paper "Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments" - multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/ at master · openai/multiagent-particle-envs
然后到这个网站下载Multiagent-particle-envs包 解压缩后,进入到文件夹内,输入命令 pip install -e . 等待安装完成后,输入测试指令 bin/ --scenario 若出现游戏画面,则该环境配置成功,继续下一部分。如果出错,请百度或评论咨询。 最后到这个网站下载Maddpg开源项目文件 同样,解压缩后,进入...
The problem: The domain of alignment and focusing in imaging or particle detection.We can’t produce references "like real references" because that would be presumably imaginary. The official policy says references must not be invented. There’s no disclaim synergy with real references.We can’t...
Code for a multi-agent particle environment used in the paper "Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments" - multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/ at master · openai/multiagent-particle-envs
Ensure thatmultiagent-particle-envshas been added to yourPYTHONPATH(e.g. in~/.bashrcor~/.bash_profile). To run the code,cdinto theexperimentsdirectory and python --scenario simple You can replacesimplewith any environment in the MPE you'd like to run. ...
The problem of prng is that the gym package is updating, and prng function has been deleted. you can fix this in code multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/ import gym # from gym.spaces import prng # this prng has been can...
Code for a multi-agent particle environment used in the paper "Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments" - openai/multiagent-particle-envs