在OpenAI的精妙设计下,Function calling功能的实现过程并不复杂:在编写问答函数时,只需要在ChatCompletions.create函数中进行参数设置、并提前定义好外部函数库即可,然后在Chat模型执行Function calling时,模型会根据用户提问的语义自动检索并挑选合适的函数进行使用,整个过程并不需要人工手动干预指定使用某个函数,大预言模型能...
function call:控制模型如何响应函数调用。“none"表示模型不调用函数,而是直接回应给最终用户。“auto"表示模型可以选择在最终用户和调用函数之间进行切换。如果使用{“name”:“my_function”}指定特定的函数,模型将强制调用该函数。当没有函数存在时,默认值为"none”。如果存在函数,默认值为"auto”。 注意:被调用的...
Fine tuning for function callingNov 7, 2023CompletionsFine-tuningFunctions 该笔记本介绍了如何进行模型微调以提高函数调用的准确性和可靠性。函数调用是一种强大的工具,但在函数数量和任务复杂性增加时,准确性会下降。为了解决这个问题,建议首先改进函数定义和尝试提示工程。微调的过程包括评估基线性能、生成合成数据和...
To learn more see the function calling section in our introductory text generation guide and more function calling examples in the OpenAI Cookbook.聊天完成 API 允许在请求中传递函数描述列表。这使模型能够根据提供的架构生成函数参数。生成的函数参数由 API 以 JSON 格式返回,可用于执行函数调用。然后,可以...
System Info Langchain Version: 0.0.207 Who can help? Is there a way to get the whole output with Output Parser or OpenAI function calling? I have a simple prompt where I get the LLM to output responses to a set of questions, and I would ...
Function calling(opens in a new window): Seamlessly connect o1 to external data and APIs. Structured Outputs(opens in a new window): Generate responses that reliably adhere to your custom JSON Schema. Developer messages: Specify instructions or context for the model to follow, such as ...
import{FunctionChain,huggingFaceImageClassification}from"ai-function-chain";constfunctionChain=newFunctionChain({functions:[huggingFaceImageClassification]});constres=awaitfunctionChain.call("What is this image? https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/yellow-lovebird-sitting-alone-on-260nw-1894954309.jpg"...
Fine tuning classification example CompletionsFine-tuning Mar 10, 2022 Using embeddings Embeddings Mar 10, 2022 Get embeddings from dataset Embeddings Mar 10, 2022 Recommendation using embeddings and nearest neighbor search Embeddings Mar 10, 2022 ...
task_type:(因为它是多标签分类任务)multilabel_classification model:(使用特定的 OpenAI 模型){'...
Instead of writing a loop, you can generate N responses using thenattribute of the create function. For instance, the script below will generate five responses. text=openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003",prompt="France is famous for its",max_tokens=15,temperature=1,n=5) ...