openai.ratelimiterror: error code: 429 是一个由 OpenAI API 返回的错误,表示你的请求因为超出了 API 的速率限制而被拒绝。HTTP 状态码 429 是一个标准的响应,用于指示客户端在一段时间内发送了太多的请求("Too Many Requests")。 2. 可能导致该错误的原因 请求频率过高:如果你的应用程序在短时间内向 ...
Handling error code 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details Updated over 10 months ago This error message indicates that you have hit your maximum monthly budget for the API. This means that you have consumed all the credits or ...
Handling error code 429 - Rate limit reached for requests Updated over 12 months ago This error message indicates that you have hit your assigned rate limit for the API. This means that you have submitted too many tokens or requests in a short period of time and have exceeded the number of...
{"statusCode":429,"addDynamicRetryAfter":true,"headers": [ {"name":"content-type","value":"application/json; charset=utf-8"} ],"body": {"error": {"message":"The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later.","type":"requests","param":null,"code":null} } } ] } 使用...
Error: 429 Too Many Requests API krnprt January 7, 2023, 6:59pm 1 I am trying to make a request to the openai API with the following code in express nodeJS:import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai"; const configuration = new Configuration({ organization: "org-Fn2EqsTpiUCTKb...
Class | 类型 函数插件 Feature Request | 功能请求 在使用插件分析一个cpp项目时,可能时因为cpp项目文件过多,调用API过于频繁,就会导致报错。 提示如下:RuntimeError: OpenAI拒绝了请求:{"code":429,"error":"rate limit exceeded\n"}。 也有可能本人使用的是copilot
code df[‘embeddings’] = df.text.apply(lambda x: client.embeddings.create(input=x, model=‘text-embedding-ada-002’).data[0].embedding) time.sleep(200) error : RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘Rate limit reached for text-embedding-ada-002 in organization...
{"error": {"message":"You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.","type":"insufficient_quota","param":null,"code":"insufficient_quota"} } Any idea what could cause it? Kulaneian added supportQuestions about how to do something ...
ChatGPT error 429: {"error":{"code":"429","message": "Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2023-07-01-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 50 seconds. Please go here:
Handling error code 429 - The engine is currently overloaded Updated over 11 months ago This error message indicates that our servers are experiencing high traffic and are unable to process your request at the moment. This could happen for several reasons, such as: ...