是一个由 OpenAI API 返回的错误,表示你的请求因为超出了 API 的速率限制而被拒绝。HTTP 状态码 429 是一个标准的响应,用于指示客户端在一段时间内发送了太多的请求("Too Many Requests")。 2. 可能导致该错误的原因 请求频率过高:如果你的应用程序在短时间内向 OpenAI API 发送了大量请求,可能会触发速率限制...
With (use-package gptel :ensure t :defer t :custom (gptel-use-curl nil) (gptel-stream nil) ) followed by M-x gptel and inputting just "Hi" and then M-x gptel-send I get gptel response error: (((HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests) insufficien...
Error: 429 Too Many Requests API krnprt January 7, 2023, 6:59pm 1 I am trying to make a request to the openai API with the following code in express nodeJS:import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai"; const configuration = new Configuration({ organization: "org-Fn2EqsTpiUCTKb...
Rate limit errors ('Too Many Requests', ‘Rate limit reached’) are caused by hitting your organization'srate limitwhich is the maximum number of requests and tokens that can be submitted per minute. If the limit is reached, the organization cannot successfully submit requests until the rate li...
OpenAI API调用中遇到限流问题,如"429: 'Too Many Requests'"或"RateLimitError",是由于API访问超出流量限制。本文将分享应对限流策略和技巧。流量限制是API服务为了保障所有用户稳定运行而实施的措施。默认情况下,截至2023年1月,大约1000个token对应一页文本或一千多中文字符的请求。若需提升流量限制,...
答案就在你收到的错误中。错误429 Too Many Requests意味着您的API点数已超过$18。您可以在official ...
当你重复调用OpenAI的API,可能会遇到诸如“429: 'Too Many Requests'”或者“RateLimitError”这样的错误信息。这就说明当前访问超出了API的流量限制。 本文分享了一些技巧来避免和应对限流相关的错误。 这里给出一个样例脚本,控制并发请求以避免限流相关的错误。
Rate Limits and 429: 'Too Many Requests' Errors rate limit documentationin its entirety. If you would like to increase your rate limits, please note that you can do so byincreasing your usage tier. You can view your current rate limits, your current usage tier, and how to raise your ...
具体做法是:当 API 返回“429 Too Many Requests”状态码时暂停执行代码片段,并根据当前已经重试过几次计算出等待时间 t ,然后再重新尝试调用 API 方法;若依旧返回“429 Too Many Requests”状态码则再暂停 t 秒钟之后重复以上操作…… 直至成功获取数据!
What is the "model is still being loaded" error?Why you may receive a 429 error when using a fine-tuned model for the first time in a while How can I solve 429: 'Too Many Requests' errors? Why am I getting different completions on Playground vs. the API?Troubleshooting discrepancies be...