注册openai提示“Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later”怎么办? 很抱歉,因为过多的请求,所以会出现“1小时内请求过多。稍后再试。”的提示。这是为了防止服务器超载而设置的限制。通常情况下,这种限制是暂时性的,在一段时间之后就会解除。你可以稍后再尝试注册。这可能是由于API的限制或者是网站的访问...
OpenAI's API may show you an error message entitled "Too Many Requests, Please Slow Down." This message indicates that you have made...
Rate limit errors ('Too Many Requests', ‘Rate limit reached’) are caused by hitting your organization'srate limitwhich is the maximum number of requests and tokens that can be submitted per minute. If the limit is reached, the organization cannot successfully submit requests until the rate li...
原因如下 原文链接:https://bysocket.com/openai-chatgpt-too-many-requests-in-1-hour-try-again-later-chatgpt-fix/ "too many requests in 1 hour. try again later" 问题原因是什么? 最大的原因是你的客户端访问 IP 地址已被 ChatGPT 禁止,列入了黑名单。 但有可能 OpenAI 官方访问量太大,为了稳定性...
“too many requests in 1 hour. try again later” 问题原因是什么? 最大的原因是你的客户端访问 IP 地址已被 ChatGPT 禁止,列入了黑名单。 但有可能 OpenAI 官方访问量太大,为了稳定性:做了削峰、降级和体验的权衡。如果问题频次不高,你需要重试即可解决。
gptel response error: (((HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests) insufficient_quota) You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/error-codes/api-errors.) nil . How can I...
If you belong to multiple orgs, you can change yourdefault orgto your company's or Pay-As-You-Go's org to control which organization is used by default when making requests with your API keys. You can see how many tokens your requests have consumedhere. ...
Error: 429 Too Many Requests API krnprt January 7, 2023, 6:59pm 1 I am trying to make a request to the openai API with the following code in express nodeJS:import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai"; const configuration = new Configuration({ organization: "org-Fn2EqsTpiUCTKb...
ChatGPT 提示: Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later. 如下图,我多次访问也出现同样的问题。中文意思是太多的请求数量在当前 1 个小时内,请稍后重试。那怎么办?怎么解决? 一、问题现象 我基本试了半个小时,成功次数就 1-2 次。那下面简单分析这个原因,按原因出解决方案。原因如下 ...
错误429 Too Many Requests意味着您的API点数已超过$18。您可以在official website上支付更多点数。您的...