#OpenAI 的 assistant api终于开始支持Streaming了!可以使用代码解释器、检索和函数调用等工具构建实时体验。 - Gary-Teresa are afk于20240314发布在抖音,已经收获了20.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
这里需要填入你的API密钥client=OpenAI(api_key="你的API密钥")# 上传并索引文件以便检索,这里假设你已经有了file_id# 此步骤在代码外完成,例如通过OpenAI的Dashboard或API# 创建一个助手,启用retrieval工具assistant=client.beta.assistants.create(name="Knowledge Tutor",instructions="You are a ...
curl https://api.openai.com/v1/threads/thread_abc123/runs \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "OpenAI-Beta: assistants=v1" \ -d '{ "assistant_id": "asst_abc123", "instructions": "Please address the user as Jane Doe. The u...
Code Interpreter is priced at $0.03 / session. If your assistant calls Code Interpreter simultaneously in twodifferentthreads, this would create two Code Interpreter sessions (2 * $0.03). Each session is active by default for one hour, which means that you would only pay this fee once if yo...
OpenAI在5月2日公布了一个名为openai-assistants-quickstart的开源项目,旨在演示如何在Next.js框架中实施OpenAI的AssistantsAPI。以后,开发布署一个聊天机器人就真的不再是什么难事了。 通过Assistants API,开发者能够在自己的应用中集成AI助手功能。这些助手能够根据用户的请求,通过命令执行操作,利用模型、工具和文件生成...
How much time is saved by streaming a chat completion How to stream non-chat completions (used by older models like text-davinci-003) # importsimport openai #forOpenAI API calls import time #formeasuring time duration of API calls 1. 一个典型的聊天完成响应看起来是什么样子的 ...
Streaming Helpers The SDK also includes helpers to process streams and handle the incoming events. construn=openai.beta.threads.runs.stream(thread.id,{assistant_id:assistant.id,}).on('textCreated',(text)=>process.stdout.write('\nassistant > ')).on('textDelta',(textDelta,snapshot)=>process...
Api Base URL: Interface documentation address: Complete Usage Example In this example, an AI assistant is created and run using the official OpenAI client library. If you need to explore other usage methods, such as streaming output,...
[Choice(delta=ChoiceDelta(content='', function_call=None, role='assistant', tool_calls=None), finish_reason=None, index=0)] Even when running with curl (without streaming) curl https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $API...
通常进行 Assistants API 集成需要一下四个步骤: 首先创建一个AI助手 (Assistant)。 通过自定义指令(custom instructions)进行 AI 助手能力定义,实现 AI 助手的形象和能力定位。 选择基础模型,可以选择 GPT-3.5、GPT-4 等作为基础模型。 选择扩展能力 tools 例如 code interpreter, retrieval 以及其他的 function call...