The application layer is the layer of the OSI model that is closest to the end user, which means both the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with a software application that implements a component of communication between the client and server, such as File Explorer and Micros...
Standards are defined for each layer in a way that it allows some flexibility enabling system designers to develop independent protocol layers. The OSI model framework specifically and clearly defines the functions or services that have to be provided at each of the seven layers. This chapter ...
应用协议的复杂性差别很大,有的涉及两个实体,有的涉及多个实体, 而有的应用协议则涉及两个或多个系统。与其它六层不同,所有的应用协议都使用了一个或多个信息模型(informationmodel)来描述信息结 构的组织。低层协议实际上没有信息模型。因为低层没涉及表示数据结构的数据流。应用层要提供许多低层不支持的功能,这...
Open System Interconnection Reference Model 【计】 开放式系统互连(OSI)参考模型 interconnection system 连接式 system interconnection 系统互连 interconnection of power system 电力系统互连 相似单词 interconnection n. 互相连络 Interconnection 联络线 system n. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成...
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, shown in Fig. 2.1 is widely used to describe the design of computer networks. The model includes several layers that start at the most basic physical characteristics at layer 1 up to the application in layer 7. This chapter concentrates on the bot...
开放式系统互联通信参考模型(英语:Open System Interconnection Reference Model,缩写为 OSI) OSI七层结构:应用层,表示层,会话层;传输层; 网络层;数据链路层,物理层。 TCP/IP四层:应用层,传输层,网络层,链路层 1.链路层(数据链路层/网络接口层):包括操作系统中的设备驱动程序、计算机中对应的网络接口卡...
计算机网络七层协议模型 “开放系统互联参考模型”,即著名的OSI/RM模型(Open System Interconnection/Reference Model) 计算机网络七层协议模型 作者:Ryan 时间:2013年10月7日 一、物理层(Physical Layer) OSI模型的最低层或第一层,规定了激活、维持、关闭通信端点之间的机械特性、电气特性、功能特性以及过程特性,为...
OSI 7层模型及相应延伸 (开放式系统互联模型Open System Interconnection Reference Model) 一切都是建立在网路和相应设备上的发展。 网络是现实与虚拟的交互,网络连接需要设备为路由器、交换机。传输介质为网线、光纤、同轴电缆。网络终端设备为计算机、服务器、手机、智能手机、摄像头等、...
This relates to the physical layer of the open systems interconnection (OSI) seven-layer model. 这与开放系统互联(OSI) 七层模型的物理层有关。 ParaCrawl Corpus The OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model, which divides communication systems into seven layers, encompasses all the functio...
开放系统互联(Open System Interconnection,OSI),是由ISO发起的,其任务是制定国际计算机通信标准,促进不兼容系统间的互联,OSI模型将计算器通信协议划分为七层,由高到低依次为: 应用层(Application Layer) 表示层(Presentation Layer) 会话层(Session Layer)