The application layer is the layer of the OSI model that is closest to the end user, which means both the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with a software application that implements a component of communication between the client and server, such as File Explorer and Micros...
OSI-Open System Interconnection ModelCool_Technology 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多386 -- 8:23 App 【中英文字幕】什么是OSI网络七层模型 | What is OSI Model 649 -- 0:40 App 点云漫游 | 电力·特高压1000KV变电站三维扫描 50 -- 0:46 App 行业应用 | 山路勘测选址·激光...
This chapter discusses in the fundamental concepts of open systems interconnection (OSI) model. The purpose of the OSI reference model is to provide a common basis for the development of systems interconnection standards. An open system is a system that conforms to specifications and guidelines, ...
物理层:顾名思义利用一些物理媒体,如双纽线、同轴电缆等进行物理连接,所要做到电气电压 光学特性 接口规范等。 数据链层:LLC逻辑链路控制子层-为上层服务提供FCS效验-封装和解封装 MAC 媒介访问控制子层--根据MAC地址来进行物理寻址。 网络层:就是根据IP地址来进行逻辑寻址 IP地址指的是(网际网络协议)互联网的每...
开放式系统互联通信参考模型(英语:Open System Interconnection Reference Model,缩写为 OSI) OSI七层结构:应用层,表示层,会话层;传输层; 网络层;数据链路层,物理层。 TCP/IP四层:应用层,传输层,网络层,链路层 1.链路层(数据链路层/网络接口层):包括操作系统中的设备驱动程序、计算机中对应的网络接口卡...
osi(open system interconnection)模型的通俗理解 OSI模型的理解: 以你和你女朋友以书信的方式进行通信为例。 1、物理层:运输工具,比如火车、汽车。 2、数据链路层:相当于货物核对单,表明里面有些什么东西,接受的时候确认一下是否正确(CRC检验)。 3、网络层:相当于邮政局或快递公司地址(IP地址),能正确到达对方;...
(Open System, Interconnection, Reference, Model) The physical layer (Physical Layer), the data link layer (Data Link Layer), network layer, transport layer (Network Layer) (Transport Layer) (Session Layer), the session layer, presentation layer and the application layer (Presentation Layer) (...
open system interconnection (OSI) 开放式系统互连,开放系统互连,开放型系统互连 model reference system 典型参考系统 open system interconnection layer 【计】 开放系统互连层 Open System Interconnection Protocol Suit 【计】 开放式系统互连(OSI)协议组 interconnection system 连接式 system interconnection 系...
开放系统互连, 开放系统互连模式, 開放系統互相連線是“Open Systems Interconnection model"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The physical layer is the communication channel and the signal transmission method (level 1 of the OSI open system interconnection model). ↔ 物理层是通信信道和信号传输方法(OSI...
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model [Sta97A] of the International Standards Organization (ISO) defines a seven-layer model for network services: 1. Physical: The electrical and physical connection 2. Data link: Access and error control across a single link 3. Network: Basic end-to-en...