OpenCV OpenCV的全称是:Open Source Computer Vision Library。OpenCV是一个开源发行的跨平台计算机视觉库,可以运行在Linux、Windows和Mac OS操作系统上。它轻量级而且高效——由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类构成,同时提供了Python、Ruby、MATLAB等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。 OpenCV用C++语...
c-ares cares-1_14_0 A C library for asynchronous DNS requests caf 0.15.7 an open source C++11 actor model implementation featuring lightweight & fast a… caffe2 0.8.1 Caffe2 is a lightweight modular and scalable deep learning framework. cairo 1.15.8-2 Cairo is a 2D graphics l...
Expo Client: Developer tool for creating experiences with interactive gestures & graphics App Store Screenshot 1 2025 react-native javascript ☆37481 Haptic Haven: Test, learn about, and implement haptic feedback App Store Screenshot 1 2024 swift ☆38 Harbour: Dock...
This library is a free and open-source graphics library that has a demo to tests the performance in various cases. For example rectangle, border, shadow, text, image blending, image transformation, blending modes. - Seeed-Studio/Seeed_Arduino_LvGL
Open Graphics Library初步_搭建环境_GLUT 百度百科传送门:OpenGL和GLUT. 编程爱好者网站原创教程:OpenGL入门学习. OpenGL如何获取?,但它随VC++6.0已经安装到计算机中了。 OpenGL在计算机上的位置? 如果是VC++6.0。请打开C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib,检查该目录下是否...
BgfxA cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.BSD 2 cairo raylibA cross-platform C99 gamedev library featuring OpenGL hardware acceleration, full 3D support, skeletal animation, shaders, fonts, audio, math, GUI, etc. (Src) (Doc)Zlibcmak...
OpenGL(open graphics library)是一种独立的平台无关的三维图形开发库,在各种语言下进行主框架开发并结合应用OpenGL 函数都可以开发出三维游戏。但是由于框架开发的平台相关性使游戏无法跨平台编译运行,因此glut+OpenGL 的方式成了一种很好的选择。但是在对复杂框架和各种媒体的支持方面,glut 并不理想。在Linux 下可以...
applying commonly known C++ features while keeping the overall structure of a Vulkan program and preserving the full freedom it provides as low-level graphics API. An additional guideline we followed was not to introduce additional runtime overhead by providing a header-only library with inline ...
Open Graphics Library(三维绘图) v3.4.14 安装版 软件大小:3.58M 软件语言:英文 软件授权:共享软件 软件类型:图形图像 / 图像制作 软件平台:Win7, WinAll 更新时间:2017-07-21 15:43 星级评分: 软件官网: 好评:50% 踩坏评:50 本地下载文件大小:3.58M...
If you are reading this on GitHub, be aware that this is just a mirror. Our real code repository is provided by KDE: Repository Status For branch:master Freeze typeStatus Feature Freezeno freeze, features allowed ...