2627282930311 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 2324252627281 2345678 昵称:virgree 园龄:15年9个月 粉丝:5 关注:30 +加关注 搜索 随笔分类(10) Cloud Compute(1) JAVA Technique(4) Open Source Framework(2) UNIX/LINUX(3) 随笔档案(10) 2020年6月(2) ...
支持单多智能体,人机交互的Agents: An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents苏黎世联邦理工大学 吉吉锅锅爱地球 一个互联网的搬运工,方向:CV,ML,DNN16 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 1.引入 2.Agents的特点 3.不同语言大模型的智能体框架 4.文章中对代码的部分解读 5.案例演示...
1. 开源框架 开源Web框架,Open Source Web... ... ) open-source framework 开源框架 ) open source framework 开源框架 ... www.dictall.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,开源框架 更多例句筛选 1. Dojo is really the only other major open source framework attempting to provide an integrated appli...
To address these challenges and create a solid foundation for development, experimentation, and research in this space, we’ve built Platform for Situated Intelligence (opens in new tab), an open-source framework (opens in new tab) for multimodal, integrative AI systems....
AOSF:全称为Android Open Source Framework,即Android优秀开源框架汇总。包含:网络请求okhttp,图片下载glide,数据库greenDAO,链式框架RxJava,组件路由ARouter,消息传递通信EventBus,热更新Tinker,插件化框架Replugin,文件下载FileDownloaer,图片选择PhotoPicker,图片滤镜/毛玻璃等特效处理,GIF图片展示控件,图片九宫格控件NineGrid...
AutoRAG: An Open-Source Framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Evaluation & Optimization with AutoML-Style Automation - Marker-Inc-Korea/AutoRAG
OSMF官方站点: http://www.opensourcemediaframework.com/ 另外一个与此OSMF框架有关的项目,就是通过此框架构造的Open Video Player,简称OVP,其官方站点是: http://openvideoplayer.sourceforge.net/ 今天,我们着重聊聊OSMF这个项目。起初,OSMF开源项目的前身是代号为"Strobe"(脉冲?)的一个项目,它诞生的背景是由于...
MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios. 展开 收起 暂无标签 https://www.mindspore.cn Python 等6 种语言 C++ 62.6% Python 28.3% C 4.3% Cuda 2.6% Unix Assembly 0.7% Other 1.5% ...
An open-source framework for developing mobile applications is Apache Cordova, formerly known as PhoneGap. It lets users create mobile applications with HTML5, CSS3, and Java, among other programming languages. With the framework, you may create mobile apps for several platforms using a single co...