(从这个图中,我们可以看到,智能体也就是Agent维护各自的长短期记忆) 2.Agents的特点 1.长短期记忆,智能体需要维持长短期记忆的能力,长期记忆将智能体自己的以及观察到的对话/行为历史储存在向量数据库(VectorDB)中并根据当前的观察(observation),通过语义搜索(semantic search)来选择性的激活储存的记忆。 短期记忆则...
Agent symbolic learning is a systematic framework for training language agents, which is inspired by the connectionist learning procedure used for training neural nets. We make an analogy between language agents and neural nets: the agent pipeline of an agent corresponds to the computational graph of...
This post provides step-by-step instructions for creating a collaborative multi-agent framework with reasoning capabilities to decouple business applications from FMs. It demonstrates how to combineAmazon Bedrock Agentswith open source multi-agent frameworks, enabling collabora...
General purpose AI agent 'framework' for Adaptive AI Agents Abstract This document outlines the vision, architecture, and implementation strategy for OpenAgent, an open-source AI agent framework designed to deliver scalable, adaptable, and efficient solutions for task and knowledge management in real-...
Open Policy Agent Open Education Analytics (OEA) Open Education Analytics collaborates with education systems across the world to develop modern data intelligence capabilities. Get Involved in Open Education Analytics Open Enclave SDK Open Enclave is an open source C SDK for creating a single ...
OpenMetadatais a unified metadata platform for data discovery, data observability, and data governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth column level lineage, and seamless team collaboration. It is one of the fastest-growing open-source projects with a vibrant community and adoption...
shadow_agent_builds | | shadow_aggregate_hosts | | shadow_aggregate_metadata | | shadow_aggregates | | shadow_block_device_mapping | | shadow_bw_usage_cache | | shadow_cells | | shadow_certificates | | shadow_compute_nodes | | shadow_console_pools | | shadow_consoles | | shadow_dns_...
步骤2:进入Agent模式 点击对话框右侧【ORACLE MODE】(如下图1号),即可进入Agent模式,但是此时的Agent模式为(效率模式)。 我个人亲测此模式下AI会偷懒,因此如果你希望AI给你更好的内容质量,强烈建议开启左下角的【高计算】模式(如下图2号)。 步骤3:开始愉快玩耍 当你完成上述操作之后,你就可以向AI发任务了。
To address these challenges and create a solid foundation for development, experimentation, and research in this space, we’ve built Platform for Situated Intelligence (opens in new tab), an open-source framework (opens in new tab) for multimodal, integrative AI systems....
Project Rocket (opens in new tab) provides a framework to do exactly that.Rocket-poweredSpotlight: Blog post Eureka: Evaluating and understanding progress in AI How can we rigorously evaluate and understand state-of-the-art progress in AI? Eureka is an open-source fr...