A curated list of awesome open source Flutter apps. All the projects added in this project are featured in fluttergems.dev Developer Tools ProjectRepoDescription API Dash Link API Dash is a beautiful open-source cross-platform API Client built using Flutter which can help you easily create & cu...
2024 flutter dart ☆537 live-news-viper: News app using VIPER Screenshot 1 2020 swift ☆155 News API apps: News app in the style of the NYT, CNN, BBC, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook - includes tvOS app, Today widget Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 2024 swift tvos extension ☆...
Also, take a look at our experts' take on Flutter vs React Native. 3. Xamarin Xamarin is an open-source app development framework offered by the Microsoft team. It enables developers to build apps for various operating systems. The reason behind the popularity of Xamarin is that users can ...
GuitarixSourceForge → guitarixGNU/Linux Virtual Amplifier Harmonoidharmonoid/harmonoidCross-platform music player (Mobile & Desktop) written in Flutter Helio Workstationhelio-fm/helio-workstationSequencer HISEchristophhart/HISECross-platform framework/application for building sample-based virtual instruments...
Prism is a beautiful open-source wallpapers app for Android. It is built with Dart on top of Google's Flutter Framework. Prism relies onWallHavenandPexelsAPI as its source of beautiful and large collection of Wallpapers. By utilising their API, it provides the user with a fast and smooth ...
Before deciding on the chatbot software you want to invest time and money in, you should understand how you plan on using it and what are the functionalities required for that. One of the great advantages of open-source is that you can experiment with the product before making a decision. ...
In this piece, we will cover the best open-source mobile app development tools and compare their features, based on our experience. Flutter This one is a portable UI kit backed by Google. It allows developing native mobile, web and desktop apps from a single codebase. Flutter is written in...
[ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(184)] Dart Error: Unhandled exception: E/flutter (24461): Could not launch intent://reader/20667#Intent;scheme=marvelunlimited;package=com.marvel.unlimited;end the problem is that the marvel API gives "inAppLink" url scheme such as this : "inAppLink"...
An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.(阿里巴巴开源的一款简单易用、功能强大的混沌实验注入工具) 已捐献 混沌工程 6051956Go 北海(Kraken) A web standards-compliant, high-performance rendering engine based on Flutter. 心选自主 前端 4927304TypeScript...
For enterprise (optional):Elastic Search,Amazon S3,NodeJS For the best mobile experience use Telegram as yourmobile client.YouTube manual Documentation how to setup mobile application Integrations Mobile appflutter Voice & Video & ScreenShare, Jitsi (free) ...