Bad state: failed to create store: 10001 Cannot open store: another store is still open using the same path: "/data/user/999/" When app is closed, it work well. You can learn more about my issue here#451 ...
1. 打开开发者帐户的App IDs,点击Identifiers +创建一个Bundle ID。 2. 选择App IDs,点击Continue进入下一步。 3. 输入应用程序名称; 选择Explicit Bundle ID,然后输入一个ID,这个需要仔细命名,因为这个内容和您的程序直接相关,很多地方都需要用到,最好是com.yourcompany.yourappname的格式,如com.ydisk.ios;选...
import'package:external_app_launcher/external_app_launcher.dart'; 在需要打开外部APP的地方使用 varopenAppResult=awaitLaunchApp.openApp(androidPackageName:'',iosUrlScheme:'XXXX://',appStoreLink:'itms-apps://',// openStore: false);print...
FlutterLauncher.inAppPresentStore(androidAppId:"",iOSAppId: "585027354" ); iOS原生:跟方法1一样,也在handleMethodCall代理方法里接收, ⚠️:这里要设置SKStoreProductViewController的代理,实现代理方法。 if([@"inAppPresentStore"isEqualToString:call.method]){NSString*appId=call.arguments[@...
Open Authenticator An open-source & cross-platform TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) app Keepin Keepin, your real life in a widget sCent Money Personal, Group, and Trip Expense Tracking, All In One Place TwinScreen The easiest way to share your phone's screen ...
Hi, I am using url_launcher in my flutter app to open an app in iOS App Store, in ios device Url: I enabled mode: LaunchMode.externalNonBrowserApplication to launch the app directly in App Store, it worked before but not now. launch...
首先,打开您的 android/app/build.gradle 文件,搜索"applicationId",查看当前android工程使用的包名。 然后,快捷键Command + Shift + F全局搜索使用的包名,全部替换成新包名。 2.iOS 方式1:Flutter工程中全局搜索替换包名 首先,打开您的 ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj 文件,搜索PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER,查看...
今天我在我的应用中发现了一个奇怪的错误,大概是这样的 FileSystemException: FileSystemException: Getting current working directory failed, path = '' (OS Error: Too many open files in system, errno = 23) 我的应用程序有大量的资产,也许这就是这个问题的原因? 这感觉像是两个不同的问题。一个是我们...
TailorMade [131⭐] - Managing a Fashion designer's daily routine using a mixture of ReBLoC w/ Firebase Cloud Store & Functions by Jeremiah Ogbomo. Instory [119⭐] - Instgram story downloader with a beautiful UI Sarath. Spacex-Go [268⭐] - Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX ...
open ios/Runner.xcodeprojIchecked Runner/Pods is emptyinXcode sidebar.drop Pods/Pods.xcodeproj into Runner/Pods."Valid architectures"to only"arm64"(Iremoved armv7 armv7s) 最后终于成功打包,心累啊(///▽///)。同时如果希望直接在真机上调试 Flutter,可以参考 :《Flutter基础—开发环境与入门》下的IO...