Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...
"This file does not have a program associated with if for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Association control panel." The file extensions used by Access have lost their association to the Access application. The most common extensions are (.accdb, .accde, .mdb, .mde...
Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...
In order to open a database in shared mode, the Microsoft Jet database engine must be able to create a locking information file (*.ldb, or *.laccdb) in the same folder as the database itself. For more information about the .ldb files, click Microsoft Access Help on the Help menu, ...
The crash always leaves the .laccdb open which stops re-opening the db without first removing the file using Task Manager. I do a lot of work on the db in my retirement, for my personal use (Garden related application) and it is a main hobby which keeps me sane and bra...
Our Garden Database can't open the file "c:\MyForm.txt" The forms was open in VB View to access the Immediate window. I copied and pasted your command and just altered the Form name Where am I going wrong? Dave Hi Dave, My example path might not have been...
Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...
When you try to open a linked table, the source table may not be in the path that you specified when it was first linked. If you have moved the file, you can use the Linked Table Manager to update the link information. Feedback ...
Method 'Connection' of object '_Current Project' failed. This failure occurs when the VBA Application.CurrentProject.Connection or Application.CurrentDB.Connection is called. Cause The Access Database Engine/Access Connectivity Engine (ACE) is included with a number of products other than Microsoft Ac...
However, when I create a desktop shortcut and run it from there, the problem returns. Same file, different launch location. A problem with Windows, possibly? I did upgrade to Windows 11 a while back but reverted back to Windows 10 very quickly. Would that, could that have ...