文件類型是打開LACCDB文件的關鍵。 LACCDB文件通常被認為是Data Files。您的計算機上可能已經有可以打開此類文件的程序。 如果文件類型是未知的,您可以按照以下步驟在文件屬性中找到它。 視窗: 用鼠標右鍵單擊該文件,然後單擊“屬性”。 查看“文件類型”下的文件類型。
If your operating system is Windows Vista or newer, you can delete the following registry keys to remove the current user choice for the default application used with the file extension. The key is rebuilt with the default association the next time Access is opened. ...
文件类型是打开LACCDB文件的关键。 LACCDB文件通常被认为是Data Files。您的计算机上可能已经有可以打开此类文件的程序。 如果文件类型未知,您可以按照以下步骤在文件属性中找到它。 视窗: 用鼠标右键单击该文件,然后单击“属性”。 查看“文件类型”下的文件类型。
Related files: bsy, buf, bmf, mtp, busybox, laccdb a busy Temporary lock file is a special file format and should only be edited and saved with the appropriate software. How to solve problems with BUSY files Associate the BUSY file extension with the correct application. On , right-click...
Related files: fsd, docx, fdf, laccdb, bin, db, zip, factor The following listing is compiled from the database produced by the 'Associate This!' program, selected data from the main FILExt database and file extension information submitted by users. ProgramID: ViceVersa, FileType: ViceVers...
Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...
Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...
Introduction to lock files (.laccdb & .ldb) Issue when loading an Access web app Issue with ForEachRecord data macro Issues when you retrieve SharePoint list data Jet compact utility is available in download center Linked Excel data is truncated Linked table connection failed when using Microsoft...