Open Interpreter作为一款创新工具,为大型语言模型提供了一个在本地环境中执行代码的能力,支持包括Python、JavaScript、Shell在内的多种编程语言。通过简单的终端命令,如“interprete”,用户可以轻松激活这项功能,极大地提升了开发效率与安全性。 关键词 Open Interpreter, 本地执行, 代码示例, 多语言支持, 终端命令 一...
转发微博【转发】@蚁工厂:Open Interpreter,让大语言模型在您的计算机上运行代码。类似openai的代码解释器功能但是在本地运行地址 L蚁工厂的微博视频
JesusRMendez / 01-OpenInterprete jeunjetta / 01 jjhw / 01 jmshtw / 01 JonatanSalas / 01 jonnyquan / 01 jontybrook / 01 joshdayax / 01 JoshTrim / 01 Joshua-Shepherd / 01-EllieAI JoyRushMedia / 01 jshuadvd / 01 juanmackie / 01 juergenbr / 01 juliustago /...
The possibility to interprete the unusual spectrum of 218 Ra, admitting the active role of dipole phonons with low excitation energy is shown. The open problems arising from the recent experimental findings and from their theoretical interpretation are discussed....
Open Mike Eagle. Interprete: Open Mike Eagle and Video Dave: Headass (Idiot Shinji). Open Mike Eagle è conosciuto come attore e produttore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Open Mike Eagle and Video Dave: Headass (Idiot Shinji) (2020), Short Cut to V
Therefore, it is possible that individuals poor in the perception of emotions tend to use humour in compromising ways, because they do not (appropriately) interprete the target's emotional feedback. In regard to the brain responses, during the expo- sure to social-emotional signals, prefrontal-...
L'ARTIGIANO, LO STORICO E L'INTERPRETE TRA STORIOGRAFIA FILOSOFICA E APPROCCIO SPECULATIVO Storiografia filosofica. Approccio speculativo. Metodo. InterpretazioneThis article focuses on the question of the relationship between historiography and the... F Grigenti - 《Trans/form/acao》 被引量:...
[205星][2y] [C++] ahxr/ghost a light RAT that gives the server/attacker full remote access to the user's command-line interprete [201星][10d] [Py] pure-l0g1c/loki 远程访问工具, 使用 RSA-2048 + AES-256 保护通信安全 [195星][3m] [PHP] 0blio/caesar 基于HTTP的RAT,从浏览器远程...
Test Driven Development Last post by 10001117-Apr-2020 11:35 1 OEJMX - Chained Queries Last post by ssouthwe16-Apr-2020 21:22 7 PASOE 12.2 APSV Issues Last post by Darren Parr16-Apr-2020 17:13 9 The useHTTPSessions option in PASOE/tomcat (for APSV over HTTP) Last post by dbeav...
I interprete the spec. Certainly from a functionality stand point, you can imagine wanting to delete by cookie in OF1.0 (IMHO, this is what David Erickson -- the feature's creator -- originally intended). All OF1.1 added was the ability to match on a subset of the cookie. ...