using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;public class AssetDatabaseExamples : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("AssetDatabase/Manually Check Textures")] static void OpenAssetExample() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var texturePath = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath($"Assets/Textures/Ground...
The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure. Topics androidpythonc-plus-plusasset-pipelineassetsgame-developmentstlassimpifccolladadaegltfpatreonfbx3mfgltf2gamedev-toolgamedevelopmentfbx-exporter ...
"Could not open file D:/Projects/My project (266)/Assets/Scenes/Cockpit/Art/Props/Prefab for read UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)" "Assertion failed on expression: 'res' UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)" Folder can be opened and ...
Unity will then save your assets in a UNITYPACKAGE file. How to open a UNITYPACKAGE file You can import a UNITYPACKAGE file into Unity (multiplatform), to add the assets it contains to a Unity project. To do so, selectAssets → Import Package → Custom Package. Then, navigate to and ...
Description Opens the scene atpath. The scene that is currently open will not be saved, use SaveSceneIfUserWantsTo for that. All paths are relative to the project folder. Like: "Assets/MyScenes/MyScene.unity" // Simple editor Script that lets you save a scene while in play mode. ...
第二个参数directory:打开窗口的默认文件夹路径,例如传入Application.dataPath,则窗口打开时路径为项目工程的Assets文件夹: 第三个参数extension:文件的后缀,即我们要选择的文件的类型,例如要选择.png类型图片: 测试代码: usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEditor;publicclassExample:EditorWindow{[MenuItem("SKFramework/Example"...
2. Open the "Assets/OutdoorsScene.unity" Scene 3. Open the Scene view 4. Turn around until both sides of the terrain is neatly in front of you 5. Press on the left part of the terrain 6. In the Inspector, the "Terrain" Component, press the "Paint Terra...
Having Multiple Splashdown assets in your project is supported, but they each must have unique filenames. How the system handles multiple Splashdown files varies between splash logos and app icons: Multiple Splash logos You can have any number of splashdown files set to "Active Splash". All the...
Over11,000 five-star assets Rated by85,000+ customers Supported by100,000+ forum members Every assetmoderated by Unity Home 3D 环境 梦幻 1/36 OverviewPackage ContentReleasesReviewsPublisher infoAsset Quality All the Dreamscape Nature Asset packs into one convenient bundle! Includes a...
unity open cv 人脸识别 unitypersonal 【Unity3D Persistent Storage】 1、PlayerPrefs类以键值对的形式来提供PersistentStorage能力。提供小额存储能力。(做成sst可以提供大规模数据存储) 2、PlayerPrefs删除数据。 3、使用PlayerPrefs实例。 1 void OnGUI() 2 {...