Digital technology is shaking up the world of Out-of-Home advertising, bringing in a wave of new ideas and exciting possibilities. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest changes happening. Smart Buying with Programmatic DOOH Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH) is changing how OOH ad...
OOH广告(Out-Of-Home Advertising)是指在顾客外出时,在户外空间或公共场所利用特定形式的广告媒体进行宣传的一种广告形式。与传统的室内广告形式不同,OOH广告更注重触达消费者的视觉和情感,以及对其行为和想法的影响。OOH广告的定义和形式与室内广告有着明显的差异化特征。 二、OOH广告的形式 1. 高效易读的文字信息...
OOH广告(Out-of-home advertising)是指放置在户外场所或公共场所的广告。在整个户外广告市场中,OOH广告与其它户外广告相比具有以下的差异化特征。 1. 覆盖面广 OOH广告被放置的位置是城市化程度高、人口密集的地方,比如大街、广场、商场、地铁、公交站牌等。这些地方是人流量极高的区域,OHH广告可以迅速提高品牌的知名...
At MBI, we have sophisticated mapping tools and a proprietary out of home rating system that ensures the best placements for your message. By the Numbers Why do we excel at out of home advertising? Our numbers speak for themselves.
OOH广告(Out-of-Home Advertising)是指在户外公共场所展示的广告形式,包括街头广告牌、公交车身广告、地铁站台广告、商场电子屏幕等。它具有接触面广、覆盖范围大、传播效果好的特点,是一种重要的广告媒介。 OOH广告与其他传统媒介相比,有着独特的差异化特征。OOH广告具有潜在的高曝光率。由于户外广告一般设置在人群流通...
Out-of-home (OOH) advertising, sometimes called outdoor advertising, can help you grow awareness, engagement, and consideration for your brand.
OOH广告(Out-of-home Advertising)指的是户外广告,通常指在公共场所中展示的各种广告,如巨幅广告牌、LED屏幕、公交车和地铁车厢内外的广告等。相较于其他广告形式,OOH广告具有以下差异化的特征。 1. 相比于其他形式的广告,OOH广告具有更强烈的覆盖面 广告的主要目的之一是让尽可能多的潜在客户接触到品牌信息。然而,...
OOH广告(Out of Home Advertising)又称户外广告,包括室内外各种非家庭广告,如霓虹灯广告、灯箱广告、路边广告牌、公交车身广告、地铁站台广告等形式的广告。相较于其他广告形式,OOH广告具有以下差异化特征: 1.地域性强:OOH广告放置的位置通常在人流量大的地区,比如商业中心、人群聚集的公共场所、交通枢纽等区域。这意...
Out-of-home media is a traditional reliable channel of communication, which has broad possibilities and a wide-range of applications. Today, there is a large variety of shapes and placements in outdoor advertising. OOH can solve the tasks of image building, promote highly specialized services, ...
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