oob estimate of error rate就是指模型在训练集之外的样本集上的预测误差率。 二、predict结果 predict结果是模型对未知数据的预测结果。在机器学习中,模型通常会对新的数据进行预测,以实现对未知数据的处理。predict结果的质量是衡量模型性能的重要指标之一,它反映了模型对未知数据的处理能力。 三、计算方法 要计算...
oob estimate of error rate An out-of-bag (OOB) estimate of error rate is a method used in random forest algorithm for estimating the accuracy of a model. In this method, a portion of the data is not included in the training process, and instead, is used to evaluate the model's perfo...