meta- part of application, that specifies actual instruments that will be used in schema definition - methods for defining entities/classes, methods for dealing with types, methods for defining attributes/properties and relations; simple-metaproject that shows an example of how to define properties ...
in other databases (xref), and acommentabout the term meaning or use. Each GO DAG node is identified by a unique alphanumericidentifier(ID), formed by the “GO:” characters followed by seven digits (e.g., GO:0033926); furthermore, each DAG node has a uniquedefinitionwith cited sources...
The definition of EU in Categoriae (cf. Section 1.2) still serves to characterize the opposition substance—accident in the main Aristotelian works, except that now accidents may always, not only sometimes, be said of their substances. (This corresponds to a predication theory different from that...
(i.e., substances, qualities and processes) used in the life sciences, the purpose of a bio-ontology is to characterize classes of entities, existing in the reality, which are of biological/biomedical significance; thus, a bio-ontology is concerned with the principled definition of biological,...
Simple release and definition generation integrated Jul 7, 2019 cell_type_reports updated FCA spreadsheet Nov 22, 2019 fbbt Merge pull request#1515from FlyBase/orcids Oct 3, 2022 fbdv New release Jul 26, 2019 src update VNC neuron annotations ...
For example, the definition of “尿钙” (urine calcium) can be found in NCIT through mapping. When defining terms, it is important to collect information such as the English name and synonyms of the term, which can be used to merge terms. For instance, “心肌梗塞” (myocardial infarction)...
The selected effects definition of function would distinguish a proper function (e.g., pumping blood) from an "accidental" effect (e.g., producing a sound) on the basis that natural selection more likely operated on the heart's effect of pumping blood. In the causal role definition, on ...
Y. Li and B.-L. Lu, "Semantic Similarity Definition over Gene Ontol- ogy by Further Mining of the Information Content," Proc. Sixth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conf. (APBC), vol. 6, pp. 155-164, 2008.Yuan P Li,Bao Liang Lu.Semantic similarity definition over gene ontology by further ...
(1991)proposed the first definition for ontology in the artificial intelligence (AI) field, i.e., “an ontology defines the basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary of a topic area as well as the rules for combining terms and relations to define extensions to the vocabulary.” ...
Rule and Schema Definition LinkML- A polymorphic semantic modeling language. SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language) ShEx (Shape Expressions) SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language)- A rule markup language which extends the logical expressivity of the OWL language. ...