After discussion of the mainstream definition of ontology, and a short analysis of the Aristotelian's principles, the paper addresses the problem of the categorial nature of the future by distinguishing (a) possibility from potentiality and (b) forward from upward emergence.doi:Rodopi...
Define whatness. whatness synonyms, whatness pronunciation, whatness translation, English dictionary definition of whatness. n what something is; the essence of something Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe
《历史是什么》(What is History)精要书摘 Chapter 1: The Historian and his factsSir George Clark….contrasted the ‘hard core of facts’ in history with the ‘surrounding pulp of disputable interpretation’ –forgetting perhaps that the pulpy part of the fruit is more rewarding than the hard c...
Beware: this is not a standard definition of philosophy, and probably would not meet with wide agreement! It is just my own attempt, perhaps idiosyncratic, to indicate the kinds of issues with which philosophy is concerned. I invite you to attempt to construct your own definition!So here it ...
The vocabulary of an Azure Digital Twins solution is defined usingmodels, which describe the types of entities that exist in your environment. Anontologyis a set of models that comprehensively describe a given domain, like manufacturing, building structures, IoT systems, smart cities, energy grids,...
Philosophy is mainly divided into three fields: 1. Ontology 2. Epistemology 3. The philosophy of values (Ethics and Aesthetics) Ontology dwells on some questions such as, Do objects really exist? Is there any reason for existence? What is the reality of objects?
What is Web 3.0 (Web3)? Definition, guide and history Which also includes: Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 vs. Web 1.0: What's the difference? 10 core features of Web 3.0 technology Controlled data sharing is more aspirational and experimental. The core idea is that individuals and businesses could ...
More than a half-century ago, the ‘cognitive revolution’, with the influential tenet ‘cognition is computation’, launched the investigation of the mind through a multidisciplinary endeavour called cognitive science. Despite significant diversity of v
Question: What is the conclusion to the Phenomenology of Spirit? Existentialism: Existentialism is a concept that arose out of European philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries. It deals in the individual's angst or sense of confusion and dread for the world. The concept is quite controversia...
Gene | Definition, Structure & Components from Chapter 10 / Lesson 12 1.7K What is a gene? See the gene structure and understand what genes are made of. Learn about the description of a gene, the parts of a gene, and the anatomy of a gene. Related...