This paper argues that a core skill needed to be an effective therapist is to have developed an awareness of one's own ontological and epistemological positions in relation to one's work as a therapist. In the same way that researchers need to develop reflexive awareness of their assumptions ...
Reflexivity? Ontological and Epistemological Understandings in a Humanistic Research Methods ClassFaulkner, Sandra
This chapter summarizes various important ontological, epistemological and methodological issues in the philosophy of science. Ontology is the theory of "what exists" and is the foremost concern of metaphysics, which is the study of the most fundamental questions about being and the nature of reality...
Research can be defined as a systematic inquiry or investigation, through the process of which data is collected, analyzed and interpreted with the aim of understanding, describing, predicting or controlling a phenomenon. The definition by itself has a complex ontological and epistemological background...
One can sidestep this criticism by noting that realism is best approached as an epistemological constraint. It is not the case that the tentative plausibility of a certain theoretical term commits us to finding its 'real world" equivalent. The validity of theoretical terms, that is, their ability...
The Experience of Pain 2021 : The Experience Of Pain. Epistemological, Hermeneutical And Ontological Aspects, Ed. By Luca Vanzago
Desautels and Larochelle (1998a): "Willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously, all science teaching practices embody an epistemological posture, among other things" (p1). These authors alert of the "the perverse effects of an epistemological posture in teaching" (p 2) when that means...
Referring to Quattrone (2000, 2004b) and to Lowe (2004a, b), we demonstrate how ontological assumptions, epistemological stances and methodology choices as a continuum could have influenced the nature of the conclusions drawn. Each of the two streams evidenced one ideal-typical research continuum....
III Philosophy of Technology 2012 : III International Colloquium of Philosophy of Technology Technical worlds: ontological, epistemological and normative aspects of artificiality
Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Qualitative Research [85 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(2), Art. 30.Vasilachis de Gialdino, I. (Year). Ontological and epistemological foundations of qualitative research. In: Forum Qualitative Sozial...