Transdisciplinarity as Epistemology Ontology or Principles of Practical Judgement 热度: Epistemology A Contemporary Introduction 热度: Epistemology And Cognition 热度: InternationalJournalofHumanitiesandSocialScienceVol.2No.20[SpecialIssue–October2012]
Foundations of Dharmakirti's Philosophy: A Study of the Central Issues in His Ontology, Logic and Epistemology with Particular Attention to the Svopajnavrtti This dissertation provides an historically based interpretation of the most central issues in the philosophy of Dharmakirti, a major South ...
Methodological techniques, however,...John D. HathcoatJames Madison UniversityCara MeixnerJames Madison UniversityMark C. NicholasFramingham State University
Creative Social Research: Rethinking Theories and Methods and the Calling of an Ontological Epistemology of Participation Modern social research, as we know it now, emerged as a part of rise of modern social sciences in the context of transition to modernity. As an enterprise ... AK Giri - 《...
Ontology and Epistemologydoi:10.1163/9789004217089_024Trevor BattenBrill
5Conflicting perspectivesEpistemology and ontology in Nietzsche’swill to powerNietzsche is the first Western philosopher to define the human as a meta-phorical being. I could rephrase the point by saying that, for Nietzsche, weare in metaphor or we are metaphor: our being is not derived from ...
Certain ontology and epistemology perspectives are most relevant to human systems' enquiry. These are derived from a synergy of insights from theories of autopoiesis, interpersonal neurobiology and complexity. Ontology has implications for our comprehension of the nature of human systems: 1/ Human system...
Epistemology,Ontology and Information Knowledge Management Ah-Lian Kor, Innovation North: Faculty of Information and Technology, Leeds Metropolitan This is a theoretical paper which aims to integrate various epistemologies from the philosophical, knowledge management, psychological, cognitive science, and ...
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