Having identical symptoms after updating OnlyOffice to 7.5 (enterprise edition). Example page works fine after restart, but any hits to /healthcheck results in a 502 bad gateway. infinityysteel7 November 2023 14:5912 The IP address where the service is installed, if it has access to the Inte...
Hi! I can see a lot of threads about this problem, but neither is related to "Bad Gateway" connection problem. Briefly: I have installed One Office via Docker on Ubuntu 18 Server. I wanted to connect it to OwnCloud 10.0.4 with...
Problem with OnlyOffice and Nextcloud connection connection-to-cloud,nextcloud 612410 February 2025 Onlyoffice Documentsever & Nextcloud - docker docker,linux 62635 February 2025 Onlyoffice validation error/authentication error 311230 January 2025 OnlyOffice 502 Bad Gateway error when attempting to connect from...
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/onlyoffice/lib/documentservice.php#385 This error is after the onlyoffice update this morning, it resembles somehow -> [onlyoffice] Error: HealthcheckRequest on check error: Server error:GET https://myserver/healthcheckresulted in a502 Bad G...
502 Bad Gateway ngin (truncated...) ) So we have rolled back to images of the ONLYOFFICE servers prior to the upgrade to get things working again. Hopefully someone will document what is needed for the switch fromsockjstosocket.ioand the change fromsupervisordtosystemdat some point so people...
刚开始看到的可能是是502 Bad Gateway,稍等一会,刷新浏览器页面即可。 将Document Server映射至其它端口 80端口上往往会运行像Apache、Nginx之类的HTTP服务,为了避免端口冲突,我们可以将Document Server映射至其它端口。 例如映射至9000端口: sudo docker run -i -t -d -p 9000:80 onlyoffice/documentserver ...
刚开始看到的可能是是502 Bad Gateway,稍等一会,刷新浏览器页面即可。 将Document Server映射至其它端口 80端口上往往会运行像Apache、Nginx之类的HTTP服务,为了避免端口冲突,我们可以将Document Server映射至其它端口。 例如映射至9000端口: sudo docker run -i -t -d -p 9000:80 onlyoffice/documentserver ...
GEThttp://team.valura.net:8083/8.1.1-26/doc/ (Bad Gateway) I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on resolving this issue. ...
Server error:GET https://onlyoffice.crieppam.fr/healthcheckresulted in a502 Bad Gateway And indeed:netstat -anp| grep 8000doesn’t return anything:docserviceis not listening. systemctl status ds-*seems ok: ● ds-converter.service - Docs Converter ...
The app which enables the users to edit office documents from ownCloud using ONLYOFFICE Document Server, allows multiple users to collaborate in real time and to save back those changes to ownCloud - Issues · ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice-owncloud