/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs 目录下。 创建相应目录: mkdir -p /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs 复制证书到 /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs 目录并设置权限: cp onlyoffice.key /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/certs/ cp onlyoffice.crt /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data/...
启动后,访问http://服务器地址:80,就可以看到如下的页面: 刚开始看到的可能是是502 Bad Gateway,稍等一会,刷新浏览器页面即可。 80端口上往往会运行像Apache、Nginx之类的HTTP服务,为了避免端口冲突,我们可以将Document Server映射至其它端口。 例如映射至9000端口: Document Server的数据在容器中的储存位置如下: [ss...
To your problem, there is something wrong with the setup of onlyoffice. Bad Gateway is an error message from nginx usually saying that the connection to a configured “upstream” cannot be established, for example the php-handler or node. Recheck your nginx config of your OO server and check...
OnlyOffice is back on Port 443 but Nextcloud has the 502 Bad Gateway like in initial issue post ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer#2083 ant0nwax Feb 17, 2023 • step 2 is missing a point: sudo cp -f /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx/ds-ssl.conf.tmpl /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx/ds.co...
502 Bad Gateway This is not looking good here. If the browser forwards you to something like https://onlyoffice…etc/ds-vpath/welcome can you try to enter the address https://onlyoffice…etc/ds-vpath/ into the OO app and see if that works? If this doesn’t help, you may want to se...
通过docker安装了seafile。然后修改了yml文件,再up后启动。在浏览器中访问, 竟然是: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) 反复重新生成docker,重装操作系统,经过N次测试,终于确定,是因为第一次docker-compose up -d时,会正确生成seafile的目录配置文件,而假设修改了yml(比如想更换seafile目录),再来一次docker...
ONLYOFFICE/CommunityServer#118 Closed Author ghostcommentedSep 17, 2018 Do you mean to create my own dockerfile and run opensource-install.sh within? The 502 Bad gateway for capabilites.json I got while watching the WebUI to try to start; maybe a few seconds after the container starts. I ...