Citing a page on the Bureau of Justice Statistics or the Department of Justice website follows the same basic format for APA website citations: Author Lastname, First Initial(s). (Year, Month Day).Title of webpage. Retrieved Retrieval Date, from URL. For example: Motivans, M. (2015, ...
Note that newspaper and magazines websites, that may even have in print copies, are considered non- periodical, directly published online sources. Follow the published directly online format. Citing an article from an online only news source Chen, Stephanie. "Growing up is Hard with Mom in ...
Donations are one-off or periodical payments that users make to support news organizations, without any compensation for the paying user in terms of access to restricted content or other benefits. Coders were asked to check whether the call for support fell more suitable under this category or th...
Collaborative problem-solving is a crucial skill to be developed in education. With the development of information technology, collaborative problem-solving in online environments has received increasing attention in recent years. There has been some fou
In addition, complete trajectories samples [𝑠,𝑎,𝑠′,𝑟][s,a,s′,r] can be obtained through periodical state collection to be used to learn the transfer probability 𝑝(𝑠′|𝑠,𝑎)p(s′|s,a); however, because of the existence of interaction delays, the input observation ...
Available online: (accessed on 14 December 2022). Lv, Y. College Students’ English Learning Concepts and Their Influencing Factors. Ph.D. Dissertation, Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 2008. [Google Scholar] Han, W.; Zhang, X.;...
After a rapid decrease in VOA, lasting for a few minutes, this parameter was unstable, with periodical valve closures to 2–3% for 3–5 min. Mussels showed rapid recovery in VOA when the exposure was completed, and full recovery to normal rhythm was observed 2–4 h after the end of ...