2. 文内引用(In-text citations) 3. 引用列表(Reference list) 4. 期刊文章、书籍和编辑书籍章节引用指南(Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters) 4.1 期刊文章引文 (Journal Articles)(定期出版的刊物) 4.2 图书文章引文 (Book) 《Publication manual of the American psychologi...
Citations in APA Style The following style of citation is based on the fifth edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Elements of reference for a periodical: 1. Journal article, one author: Grimsley, T. R. (2003). In search of the typical eyewitness. ...
Inacademic writinglikeresearch papers,you must cite your source for each piece of information that’s not your own. In informal writing like personal essays, you are your own source, so you don’t need a citation. But for writing that uses information from outside books, articles, websites,...
Therefore, thecitation for a Web documentoften follows a format similar to that for print, with some information omitted and some added. The basic retrieval statement for on-line databases is:Retrieved [month, day, year,] from [source] on-line database [name of database], [item no.-if ...
2 WhyAPA? APAformatisawidelyrecognizedstandardforscientificwritinginpsychologyandeducation.Itiswidelyusedinpaperpresentationininternationalconferencesandadoptedbynumerousinternationallyrenownedjournalsasaformatofpublishing.3 APAstyleofreferencing TwomainpartstocorrectreferencinginAPAstyle:1)In-textCitatio...
1 APAStyle WhatisPlagiarism? Usingsomebodyelse’swordsorideasasiftheywereyourown;Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithoutacknowledgement;Usingideasfromothersourceswithoutacknowledgement;Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougotideasorinformation.APAStyle 2 Inacademicwriting:AvoidPlagiarismby: Usingother...
Scroll down to find the appropriate APA format structure for your sources. Even though the structure varies across different sources, see below for a full explanation of in-text citations and reference citations. Still wondering, "What is APA format?" To learn more about APA referencing, ...
When a work is written by a group of people whose individual names are not given in the publication, cite the name of the group. If the name has an abbreviation, give the abbreviation and use it in the subsequent citations.First text citation:(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], ...
1.directory to apa in-text citation models(文中的资源引用格式)。即在文中至少要在引用资源的同时写出资源的作者及时间。对于直接引用或者概括性的资源,标明页码也是需要的。称作in-text apa 2.directory to apa references(文后的索引格式)。在整个文章之后,需要按字母顺序将所引用的资源列出称为:reference list...