If the interview transcript is published in an online periodical, like a magazine, cite the interview the same way you would cite the medium where it is published, as shown below:Example: Beard, A. (2023, August 15). Life’s work: An interview with Chris Paul. Harvard Business Review ...
APA_CITING格式_ 详细指导 DocumentingSourcesofInformation 1 APAStyle WhatisPlagiarism? Usingsomebodyelse’swordsorideasasiftheywereyourown;Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithoutacknowledgement;Usingideasfromothersourceswithoutacknowledgement;Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougotideasorinformation.APAStyle ...
www.easybib.comWhen citing sources from the Internet, try adding as much of the following in the same sequence: 1. Contributor information 5. Publisher or sponsor of website 2. Title of work (quotes) 6. Date of electronic publication 3. Title of overall website (italicized) 7. Medium of...
Citing a published periodical interview (newspaper, magazine) in MLA For citing a published periodical interview (newspaper, magazine) in MLA style, the surname of the author is used in narrative and parenthetical. In-text citation template and example: Narrative: Author Surname Tufekci Parenthetical:...
Periodical: Lastname, Firstname. “Title.” Periodical day month year: pages. Fredericks, James. “The Benefits of Perseverance.” Problem Solving Weekly 14 February 2013: pp. 46-57. Journal: Lastname, Firstname. "Title." Journal volume, number, year, pages. Abercrombie, Susan. "Quantum ...
引用来源格式APAstyleAPA格式Styleapa格式 系统标签: apacitingstylesources引用cite 1 June 2013 Citing Sources: APA Style (American Psychological Association) NEW in 6 th Edition What is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? A DOI is a unique number of four or more digits beginning with 10. A publi...
Usingsomebodyelse‟swordsorideasasif theywereyourown; Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithout acknowledgement; Usingideasfromothersourceswithout acknowledgement; Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougot ideasorinformation. APAStyle 3 Inacademicwriting: AvoidPlagiarismby: Usingotherpeople‟sideasBUTus...
Write a separate listing for each article from a magazine or journal. Include the name(s) of the author(s); the title of the article; the title of the periodical; the date of the issue in which the article appears; and the pages on which the article you are referring to appears. ...
2. Last Name Initials, Last Name Initials, Last Name Initials, et al. Article title. Periodical Title Abbreviation. Year Mon;volume(issue):pages. Example: 2. Melville JL, Reed SD, Russo J, Croicu CA, Ludman E, LaRocco-Cockburn A, Katon W. Improving care for depression in obstetrics an...
APA_CITING格式_ 详细指导 DocumentingSourcesofInformation 1 APAStyle WhatisPlagiarism? Usingsomebodyelse’swordsorideasasiftheywereyourown;Copyingmaterialfromtheinternetwithoutacknowledgement;Usingideasfromothersourceswithoutacknowledgement;Notusingacitationtoshowwhereyougotideasorinformation.APAStyle ...