NPO Radio 1, NPO Radio 5, Radio 10, Amor FM, Radio 538, JOE, Sunrise FM, Sky Radio, Radio Rijnmond, Q Music, FunX, NPO Radio 2, Veronica, Tukker FM, Ujala Radio, Sterren NL, NPO Klassiek, RadioNL, SLAM!, L1 Radio, Groot Nieuws Radio, 100% NL, NPO 3FM, RTV Utrecht, Omroe...
NPO Radio 1, 2, 3FM, 4, 5, FunX Radio Sky Radio 100% NL SLAM! FM Radio 10 Radio Veronica BNR Radio Arrow Classic Rock Sublime FM RadioNL Jazz de Ville ClassicNL Kink Omroep Brabant Radio Decibel Candlelight Radio Soul Radio L1 Radio Radio Rijnmond Radio Gelderland Radio Continu Radio ...
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Das Wärmeelement kann elektrisch, mittels Radiofrequenz oder Laser wärmen. Das Wärmeelement sollte eine Temperatur von 50°C an der Oberfläche, die mit dem Blut in Kontakt kommt, nicht überschreiten. Ein derartiges Wärmeelement kann für eine Kernerwärmung verwendet werden, oder ka...
NPO; n.p.o. nothing by mouthNRC normal retinal correspondenceNS normal salineNSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugNSR normal sinus rhythmN&V, N/V nausea and vomitingO pintO2 oxygenOB obstetricsOC oral contraceptiveOCD obsessive-compulsive disorderO.D. right eyeol. oilom. mane vel noc. ...
17, the Set States screen including a menu having selections for Out of Room, Falls Risk, NPO, No Latex, Sleeping, and Procedure in Progress; FIG. 19 is screen shot of a Staff Member Detail screen that appears on the caregiver's mobile device in response to selection of a staff member...
The solubility constant of NpO 2 OH(am) has been reported a number of times for both zero ionic strength and in fixed ionic strength media. Americium can form four oxidation states in aqueous solution, namely trivalent, tetravalent, pentavalent and hexavalent. Desire, Hussonnois and Guillaumont...
NF NPO, and NSinduced oxidative DNA damage in cancer cells in vitro with subsequent cellular apoptosis. Furthermore, the three derivatives induced more than 50% increase in reactive oxygen species when compared to 5〧U. Cells treated with these drugs showed an increased Bax/Bcl2 ratio and ...
i dati che sono stati raccolti, pur riguar- dando i suoi caratteri chirnico-fisici, posso- no dare, se paragonati tra loro, alcune in- forrnazioni anche nel carnpo zoologico per le necessarie relazioni che esistono tra struttura rnolecolare, fisiologia cellulare e distribuzione arnbientale....