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Das Wärmeelement kann elektrisch, mittels Radiofrequenz oder Laser wärmen. Das Wärmeelement sollte eine Temperatur von 50°C an der Oberfläche, die mit dem Blut in Kontakt kommt, nicht überschreiten. Ein derartiges Wärmeelement kann für eine Kernerwärmung verwendet werden, oder ka...
New sample stage for characterizing radioactive materials by X-ray powder diffraction: application on five actinide dioxides ThO 2 , UO 2 , NpO 2 , PuO 2 and AmO 2X‐ray diffractioncrystal structurenuclear materialsactinidesradiotoxicity
Moreover, the effect of these derivatives on the p53 interaction with its negative modulator Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2) was assessed using a multi﹕pot sandwich ELISA kit. NF NPO, and NSpromoted p53 release from MDM2 at concentrations that are 2–3 orders of magnitude lower than their ...
NPO; n.p.o. nothing by mouthNRC normal retinal correspondenceNS normal salineNSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugNSR normal sinus rhythmN&V, N/V nausea and vomitingO pintO2 oxygenOB obstetricsOC oral contraceptiveOCD obsessive-compulsive disorderO.D. right eyeol. oilom. mane vel noc. ...
18, the following states are shown on menu 252 from top to bottom: Out of Room, Falls Risk, NPO, No Latex, Sleeping, and Procedure in Progress. These states are self-explanatory except for, perhaps, NPO which is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase “nil per os” which means nothing ...