Online recovery discussion, meetings, support, chat, forums, and resources aimed around working the 12 Steps of AA, NA, Al-Anon and Alateen.
应用程序OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All不可用。 备注 要对此 API 使用应用程序权限,租户管理员必须创建一个应用程序访问策略,并将其授予用户,以授权策略中配置的应用代表该用户创建联机会议(使用请求路径中指定的用户 ID)。 HTTP 请求 若要创建具有委派 (/me) 和应用 (/users/{userId}) 权限的联机会议,请执行以下...
GET 以下请求使用应用令牌。 HTTP复制 GET
In The Rooms has 69 live onlineAAmeetings weekly, so there’s bound to be one that fits your schedule! We have specialty AA meetings too, like AA Pride (LGBTQ). We also have an Agnostic AA meeting, if you’re seeking a meeting without a secular approach to recovery. We have 30NAmeet...
This is the most flexible type of online program, but the lack of consistent meetings means students need to be comfortable learning autonomously. Pacing Students in online learning programs have the option of choosing to enroll on a full-time or part-time basis. Each school sets its own ...
I spent years trying to quit drinking. I went to AA meetings and tried working the steps, but I always ended up back at the bar. Things changed for me once I found the Life Process Program. I finally found something that made sense to me and helped me quit drinking for good. ...
I spent years trying to quit drinking. I went to AA meetings and tried working the steps, but I always ended up back at the bar. Things changed for me once I found the Life Process Program. I finally found something that made sense to me and helped me quit drinking for good. ...
But I do need my AA so I don’t lose my mind. I am just beyond grateful that meetings have hopped online and that this extremely important part of my life continues without interruption. We don’t know how long we’ll need to sit on our sofas and watch Netfix. But however long is...
At In The Rooms join online addiction meetings and get the support you need to recover from addiction. Find addiction recovery programs, recovery meetings &12-step programs near you.
Safe Assign, Turn-It-In, Individual Instructor Meetings, AI Checkers, and Graded tests are not shared until all students have completed the test/exam. Standardized copyright policy for course materials Yes Tuition & Financial Aid at Ohio University (Patton) Financial Aid Contact Information Financial...