In this era of social distancing, recovering alcoholics are increasingly turning to Zoom meetings as a way to stay sober.
We have specialty AA meetings too, like AA Pride (LGBTQ). We also have an Agnostic AA meeting, if you’re seeking a meeting without a secular approach to recovery. We have 30NAmeetings on ITR weekly. Like AA, there’s also an NA Pride meeting (LGBTQ) and an Agnostic NA meeting. For...
Why G-Meetings? Create An Instant Or Future Meeting You can create an instant meeting or a future meetings Record And Play Back You can record your meetings and play them back whenever you want Whiteboard Use the whiteboard for additional details or taking notes ...
Take your online meetings to the next level. Microsoft Teams allows you to easily connect with coworkers, family, and friends on the device of your choice.
Zoho Meeting is an online meeting software that helps you host virtual meetings, web & video conferences for seamless remote collaboration. Rated the best online meeting platform for all video conferencing needs. Try it for free!
应用程序OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.AllOnlineMeetings.Read.All、OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All 备注 若要对此 API 使用应用程序权限,租户管理员必须创建一个应用程序访问策略,并将其授予用户授权策略中配置的应用,以代表该用户提取联机会议和/或联机会议项目,该用户 (请求路径) 中指定的用户 ID。
如果成功,此方法将在响应正文中返回 201 Created 响应代码和 onlineMeeting 对象。示例示例1:使用用户令牌创建联机会议以下示例会使用用户令牌创建一个联机会议。请求下面是请求的示例。HTTP C# CLI Go Java JavaScript PHP PowerShell Python HTTP 复制 POST ...
Zoho Meeting is an online meeting software that helps you host virtual meetings, web & video conferences for seamless remote collaboration. Rated the best online meeting platform for all video conferencing needs. Try it for free!
With Microsoft Teams apps for meetings you can streamline the meeting lifecycle and improve teamwork. View all online meetings apps for Teams here.
Boost participation, idea generation, and more, with our all-in-one interactive meeting platform. 50+ features to make your meetings more engaging.