包名:com.onkyo.jp.musicplayer 需要网络 10 详情介绍 安桥音乐播放器app最新版是由日本安桥出品专业的音乐播放器软件,其英文名叫做Onkyo HF Player。播放器一共提供了16384个独立的高清均衡频段,让大家享受无损音质,让你随时随地免费播放高分辨率的音频格式,在这里,你可以感受到最精准的独立频点,为你提供完美的音质体...
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The "Hi-Fi over Wi-Fi" listening experience is just a touch away, thanks to this handy app. Choose a speaker, choose a song, and your favorite tunes are streaming all through the house. The app offers built-in streaming options: stream from worldwide music services; connect to DLNA serv...
Please also note that the Onkyo Music Control App is companion software to audio products enabled with Play-Fi technology. It is not intended as a stand-alone audio player. 新内容 2023年6月7日 版本8.30.12 - New user interface - Bug fixes ...
Great sound is what we do and we’re still creating groundbreaking home theater solutions, including innovative solutions like Dirac Live and Bluetooth®…
包名:com.onkyo.jp.musicplayer 需要网络 0 0%0% 详情介绍 听惯了高解析音质,耳朵会更挑剔,如果不想将就,就从挑高清格式开始吧,市面上也有很多软件可以听无损和高清音频的歌曲,onkyo hf player安卓最新版就是一款这样的软件,这是一款专门用来控制音乐的手机播放器软件,中文名也叫安桥音乐播放器,软件界面直观,功...
Onkyo Music Control App O Onkyo Music Control App 简称:Onkyo Music Control App 产品分类:应用 领域:娱乐,音乐 描述:Breakthrough DTS Play-Fi(R) technology powers simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for smartphones and tablets. You can stream your favorite tunes over Wi-Fi ...
Now, I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about. I’ve never seen a single ad*, no sign of a mini-player, the UI is intuitive and my music library is organized and looks very sharp. Listening to your music precisely how you like is what this App is all about as the ...
软件标签:hfplayer音频app onkyo hf player安卓解锁版是一款非常好用的音频控制手机软件,支持在手机上对音乐进行设置和调节,可以享受更加优质的音乐体验,喜爱的朋友赶快到绿色资源网下载使用吧! 官方介绍 在安卓设备上实现对音乐更好的声音控制,HF Player内置触控式线性FIR均衡器,提供16,384个独立频点进行精确均衡,而不...
名称:HF Player 包名:com.onkyo.jp.musicplayer MD5值:298d968461d16d0cd9e814ecb8f92a8a《onkyo hf player 破解版完整版v2.13.1》安卓版暂未公布上架日期,敬请期待。玩家评论 我来吐槽 发布onkyo hf player 音频控制工具 进入专区 安装包 onkyo hf player 破解版完整版 onkyo hf player ...