Great sound is what we do and we’re still creating groundbreaking home theater solutions, including innovative solutions like Dirac Live and Bluetooth®…
包名 需要网络 10 详情介绍 安桥音乐播放器app最新版是由日本安桥出品专业的音乐播放器软件,其英文名叫做Onkyo HF Player。播放器一共提供了16384个独立的高清均衡频段,让大家享受无损音质,让你随时随地免费播放高分辨率的音频格式,在这里,你可以感受到最精准的独立频点,为你提供完美的音质体...
Onkyo Music Control AppYou Might Also Like SVS Entertainment AV Remote - Simple Controls Entertainment LUMÏN Entertainment Anthem Remote Entertainment Harmony® Control Entertainment HDHomeRun Entertainment Dune Control Entertainment 8player Entertainment ...
自那时起,安桥就在AV放大器领域奠定了其无与伦比的行业地位。同时,它又积极拓展周边产品,包括CD/DVD播放机、套装音响、家庭影院音箱、Soundbar、随身听和耳机等。在日本本土,安桥更是推出过个人电脑、声卡,同时经营着名为e-onkyo music的高清流媒体音乐平台(2005年)。2015年时,安桥还收购了先锋电子的家庭影...
同时,它又积极拓展周边产品,包括CD/DVD播放机、套装音响、家庭影院音箱、Soundbar、随身听和耳机等。在日本本土,安桥更是推出过个人电脑、声卡,同时经营着名为e-onkyo music的高清流媒体音乐平台(2005年)。2015年时,安桥还收购了先锋电子的家庭影音业务。
Breakthrough DTS Play-Fi(R) technology powers simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for smartphones and tablets. You can stream your favorite tunes over Wi-Fi right from the Onkyo Music Control App to speakers from DTS Play-Fi product partners. It's a huge step up from ...
简称: Onkyo Music Control App 产品分类: 应用 领域: 娱乐,音乐 描述:Breakthrough DTS Play-Fi(R) technology powers simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for smartphones and tablets. You can stream your favorite tunes over Wi-Fi right from the Onkyo Music Control App to speake...
免费 截屏 iPad iPhone Apple Watch 简介 Breakthrough DTS Play-Fi(R) technology powers simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for smartphones and tablets. You can stream your favorite tunes over Wi-Fi right from the Onkyo Music Control App to speakers from DTS Play-Fi product...
e-onkyo music流媒体音乐平台,仅在日本运营 坚守“原音”,探索次世代音响的新奥义 为VOXX、夏普收购后的安桥选择重新出发。在2021~2022年发布的新品中,既坚守了其对“原音”的探寻,也加入了次世代音响不可或缺的新技术,迈出其跨时代的步伐。 Dirac Live自动音场修正 ...
#e-onkyo music# 日本の高分辨率音乐推荐(上篇),包含日本著名管弦乐团、著名作曲家、传统音乐、传统乐器四个部分,纯干货,戳原文吃安利!