00:00/00:00 安桥ONKYO-911M组合音响,试听赏析,声音清脆悦耳细节丰富 科技看天下2020.11.09 19:55 +1 首赞
适用于安桥功放机播放器遥控器 RC-607M 681M 682M 608M 645S 回头率: 11.2% 一件代发 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥19.0 杭州市 近3个月价格 日本ALPS RK168型4联A100K安桥雅马哈功放音量马达电位器 100KAX4 回头率: 24.7% 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥40.0 深圳市福田区 近3个月价格 Onkyo/安桥 TX-NR...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现适用onkyo安桥功放遥控器RC-911R通用RC-912R 913R RC-865M RC-879M RC-896M RC-743M RC-736M 799M RC-834M的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于适用onkyo安桥功放遥控器RC-911R通
13. Press the LISTENING MODE button (above) repeatedly to select a category from Movie/ 0The signal range of the remote controller is within about 16´/5 m, at an angle of 20° on TV, Music, Game, then turn the LISTENING MODE dial (below) to change the mode the perpendicular axis...
With formats other than Dolby Atmos, you can still create a sound field by outputting sound from the height speakers when you select the Dolby Surround listening mode. Front high speakers or rear high speakers should be situated at least 0.9 m higher than the front speakers. Front high ...