(How Good is Onkyo Amplifier?) 引言(Introduction) 在音响设备的世界里,功放(放大器)是一个至关重要的部分。它不仅负责将音频信号放大,还直接影响音质的表现。安桥(Onkyo)作为一个享有盛誉的音响品牌,其功放产品在市场上备受关注。本文将深入探讨安桥功放的特点、性能、用户反馈以及与其他品牌的比较,帮助消费者更好...
(How Good is Onkyo Amplifier?) 引言(Introduction) 在音响设备的世界里,功放(放大器)是一个至关重要的部分。它不仅负责将音频信号放大,还直接影响音质的表现。安桥(Onkyo)作为一个享有盛誉的音响品牌,其功放产品在市场上备受关注。本文将深入探讨安桥功放的特点、性能、用户反馈以及与其他品牌的比较,帮助消费者更好...
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美国亚马逊 Onkyo A-9070 Stereo Integrated Amplifier历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Onkyo A-9070 Stereo Integrated Amplifier
美国亚马逊 Onkyo A-9050 Integrated Stereo Amplifier (Black)历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Onkyo A-9050 Integrated Stereo Amplifier (Black)
Great sound is what we do and we’re still creating groundbreaking home theater solutions, including innovative solutions like Dirac Live and Bluetooth®…
Thank you for purchasing an Onkyo Power Amplifier. Please read this manual thoroughly before making connections and plugging in the unit. Following the instructions in this manual will enable you to obtain optimum performance and listening enjoyment from your new Power Amplifier. Please retain this ...
在面板的右侧,可以看见直通模式选项(DIRECT MODE)以及来自ONKYO的相位匹配低音增强(PHASE MATCHING BASS)开启按钮。最右侧,6.35mm耳机插孔(PHONES)方便了玩家作为耳放使用的需求。在耳机接口的下方,可以看见这款合并式立体声放大器的名称标识“INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER A-9110”的字样。
在面板的右侧,可以看见直通模式选项(DIRECT MODE)以及来自ONKYO的相位匹配低音增强(PHASE MATCHING BASS)开启按钮。最右侧,6.35mm耳机插孔(PHONES)方便了玩家作为耳放使用的需求。在耳机接口的下方,可以看见这款合并式立体声放大器的名称标识“INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER A-9110”的字样。
Icon A-50 2-Channel HiFi Integrated Amplifier The Icon A-50 Integrated Amplifier is also a symmetrical Class AB amp, delivering a healthy 140 Watts per channel into 8 ohms, and 180 Watts into 4 ohms. It, too, uses patented DIDRC circuitry and a three-stage inverted Darlington amplifier de...