One Step PrimeScript III RT-qPCR Mix (Code No.: RR600A,200次,25 μl反应体系) ■ 制品说明 本制品是采用探针法进行1 Step Real Time RT-PCR的专用premix试剂。本制品将反转录酶和PCR酶及反应用buffer预先配制成premix形式,由于RT-PCR反应在单个反应管中连续进行,因而,操作更简便,同时降低了污染的风险。...
探针法一步RT-qPCR试剂盒5X One Step PrimeScript™III RT-qPCR Kit, GPR 收藏产品 加入购物车 本制品是采用探针法进行1 Step Real Time RT-PCR的专用premix试剂。本制品将反转录酶和PCR酶及反应用buffer预先配制成premix形式,由于RT-PCR反应在单个反应管中连续进行,因而,操作更简便,同时降低了污染的风险。反转...
One Step PrimeScriptTM Probe RT-qPCR Master Mix 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB99403818 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file One Step PrimeScriptTM Probe RT-qPCR Master Mix化学性质 安全信息 One Step PrimeScriptTM Probe RT-qPCR Master Mix性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
2. 使用TaKaRa Ex TaqHS、PrimeScript RT enzyme Mix Ⅱ时,应轻轻混匀,避免起泡;分取之前要小心地离心收集到反应管底部;由于酶保存液中含有50%的甘油,粘度高,分取时应慢慢吸取。 3. 2X One Step TB Green RT-PCR Buffer Ⅲ 融解后如有不溶物请充分混合。 4. 反应液的配制、分装请一定使用新的 (无污染...
The One-Step TB Green PrimeScript RT-PCR Kit II (Perfect Real Time) is a quantitative real-time PCR kit designed for intercalating dye-enabled product detection. Using this TB Green Real-Time PCR (qPCR) kit, RT-PCR can be performed in a single tube, minimizing pipetting...
TaKaRa一步法荧光染料法RT-qPCR试剂盒One Step TB Green®PrimeScript™RT-PCR Kit II是采用TB Green嵌合荧光法进行One Step Real Time RT-PCR反应的专用试剂。使用该试剂盒进行Real Time RT-PCR反应可在同一反应管内连续进行,操作简单,并能有效防止污染。该反应体系由于可以对扩增产物进行实时检测,大大提高了检...
The total RNAs from the cells were purified using the RiboEx Total RNA solution (GeneAll Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea) and the cDNA was synthesized from the total RNA (2 µg) using SuPrimeScript RT Premix with random hexamer (GeNet Bio, Daejeon, Korea), according to the manufacturers’ inst...