Advanced Card Search Deck Builder Tournament Platform Top Decks (OP09) 1. Blue Doflamingo 32.38% Featured Decklist 1st Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Jasper Zowiesyah 2. Black/Yellow Luffy 17.50% Featured Decklist 11th Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Elliot Charters ...
Jack: Top-8 Prize The literal and graphical information presented on this site about One Piece Card, including card images, info, level, rank, attribute type and card text, is copyright Bandai Namco Entertainment. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by or affiliated with ...
theOne Piecemetagameis set for another big reshuffle. While some top options are still expected to stay as viable as ever, fresher faces should also now step out from under Law’s oppressive removal-heavy thumb.
The newest One Piece Card Game expansion, OP05 Era of a New Awakening has shaken up the competitive metagame in a big way for the first time in nearly a year. Over the past few sets, three decks in particular have been at the forefront of every tournament those being Edward Newgate, R...
One of the core concepts in the One Piece Card Game, like most trading card games, is the color wheel. In One Piece, players can build decks from between six different color archetypes. Recommended Videos Each One Piece color has its own identity and inherent play style, with some ...
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Best Decks in the One Piece Card Game A look at the top three decks in One Piece as the OP05 metagame starts to stabilize. Warren Younger |Jan 2, 2024Recent Articles TCGs One Piece Card Game — Best Cards in OP05 Awakening of the New Era Awakening of the New Era has totally change...
Brad Venable (Episode 392-629, One Piece: Stampede)Brent Mukai (Episode 736-)Devil Fruit Japanese Name: Oto Oto no Mi English Name: Tone-Tone Fruit[8] Meaning: Sound Type: Paramecia Scratchmen Apoo,[9] also known as "Roar of the Sea", is the captain of the On Air Pirates[1] and...
That’s as much as we have on the One Piece TCG ban list for 2024. As the year continues, expect more and more cards to see bans, and expect some to be removed from the list too. It’s unlikely we’ll ever see that Sakazuki card removed from thebanlist, unless some seriously beef...
. Robin in Share the World. Robin's outfit in Kaze wo Sagashite. Robin's outfit in One day. Robin's name board in We Go!. Robin's 'ONE PIECE' logo across her cleavage in We Go! Robin in Hands Up!. Robin in Wake up!. Robin's outfit in We Can!. ...