New ONE PIECE CARD GAME setting sail for a simultaneous worldwide release! Various characters will be available as cards each 「Straw Hat Crew」「Worst Generation」「Warlord of the Sea」「Animal Kingdom Pirates」. Explore and discover ONE PIECE with your
The official site for the popular trading card game based on anime and manga series ONE PIECE. Find the latest news, products, events, rules, and videos for the game.
Find all the latest one piece cards here! We have a massive range of one piece singles you need! Get your one piece cards now!
Advanced Card Search Deck Builder Tournament Platform Top Decks (OP09) 1. Blue Doflamingo 32.38% Featured Decklist 1st Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Jasper Zowiesyah 2. Black/Yellow Luffy 17.50% Featured Decklist 11th Place Championship Finals Melbourne - Elliot Charters ...
Verdict: The bestOne Piece Card Gamedeck to buy right now. Luffy’s Yellow/Black Leader card is one of the very strongest builds in theTwo Legendsmetagame and many of the cards used in that strategy are in this box. With just a few additions—eight-cost Gecko Moria and blocker Sabo ...
Bandai Namco One Piece Card Game Zoro and Sanji Starter Deck About this item Product details Sold as Unit/Each ➀Luffy, Law, Kid: The three captains are all here! The three captains bring with them many members of their crews, including Zoro and Killer!
The literal and graphical information presented on this site about One Piece Card, including card images, info, level, rank, attribute type and card text, is copyright Bandai Namco Entertainment. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by or affiliated with Bandai Namco Entertainm...
One Piece Card Game — Best Cards in OP05 Awakening of the New Era Yellow Enel Enel is the newest addition to the annoying to play against Yellow deck line up which is thanks to the leader’s unique ability that says if the player drops to zero Life on their opponent's turn, they ca...
There are two characters we’ll put here: Law (from the ST10 Ultimate Deck) andAwakening of a New Era’s blue/black Navy commander Sakazuki. These Leaders areso powerful they’ve been banned. If they weren’t currently restricted, those two would undoubtedly top theseOne Piece Card Gamera...
Specifications: Material: 400g Coated Paper Recommend Age: 14+y, 18+ Theme: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Animals & Nature TCG: Card Game ACG: Ace Craft: Refraction OPCG: OP03 Features: **Immersive Gaming Experience** Dive into the world of One Piece with the 54-piece TCG OPCG OP03 card set,...