one (event ) loop per thread +thread pool event loop(也叫 IO loop ) 用作 IO multiplexing,配合 non-blocking IO 和定时器 thread pool 做计算,使用任务队列或生产者消费者队列 进程间通信只用tcp 可以跨主机,具有伸缩性; sockets是操作文件描述符,用来收发字节流; tcp port端口进程独占,可防止程序重复启动...
在 Linux 3.9 之后,可以用 SO_REUSEPORT 让多个 server socket listen 同一个 port。
在 Linux 3.9 之后,可以用 SO_REUSEPORT 让多个 server socket listen 同一个 port。
One loop per thread机制支持 1.base/Thread类:把std::thead封装成类似Qt/QThead,用户线程需继承Thread类,实现纯虚函数run(),并调用start()启动线程。类:Thread类的子类,实现具体业务逻辑,对应一个IOEventLoop事件循环,并在IOEventLoop记录当前线程ID。
Event-driven network library for multi-threaded server in C++11, One-Loop-Per thread mode, Cross MacOS or Linux platform. - tiyee/angemon
Call event handler from another class Call Methods Simultaneously Calling a web service, trying to pass JSON but getting a 403 error calling a WPF from my thread with dispatcher still fails? why?? An object reference is required for the non-static field...? Calling asynchronous methods from ...
Call event handler from another class Call Methods Simultaneously Calling a web service, trying to pass JSON but getting a 403 error calling a WPF from my thread with dispatcher still fails? why?? An object reference is required for the non-static field...? Calling asynchronous methods from ... this will be remove in the next-major release. this will be remove in the next-major release. The UDT transport is no longer maintained and will be removed. io....
This post is about the way MySQL handles connections, allocating one thread per connection to the server. MySQL Limitations: Connections MySQL is a single process with multiple threads. Not all databases are architected this way; some have multiple processes that communicate through shared memory or...
TraceLoggingThreadActivity::IsStarted method (Windows) Planning an Index (Windows) SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH control code (Windows) Start element (Windows) TraceLoggingActivity::~TraceLoggingActivity method (Windows) EntranceEffect Element Source Element ITransformPropertyPoint::get_Time IPropertyStore::Commi...