I have seen only five or six Bollywood movies, one of them in Hyderabad, India, in 1999, where I climbed to the highest balcony and shivered in arctic air conditioning while watching a movie that was well over three hours long and included something for everyone. The most charming aspect o...
a region that has proven to be a center of excellence and innovation. Attracting and retaining top talent that produces “extraordinary” results is critical to the company’s continued growth in the area. Today, Rimini Street India employs hundreds of professionals working in Bengaluru and Hyderab...
a region that has proven to be a center of excellence and innovation. Attracting and retaining top talent that produces “extraordinary” results is critical to the company’s continued growth in the area. Today, Rimini Street India employs hundreds of professionals working in Bengaluru and Hyderab...
While “need some me-time” might sound too cliched, solo trips have been on the rise and are the most preferredtypes of tripsnow days. Buying all the peace and quiet that one needs on a vacation, a solo trip is related more to finding a deeper connection with travel by traveling safe...
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