1B Once upon a time in India, a young girl named Gheta lived in a small house with her mother. The mother worked hard to make enough money to support herself and her daughter. Every day, she milked their one cow. Then she took the milk to the market and sold it for a few rupe...
由第一段第一句Once upon a time in India, there was a town called Boring.可知,这个故事发生在印度。故选A。 由No one knew how to smile, laugh or crack a joke.可知,没有人知道如何微笑、大笑或者讲个笑话。故crack的意思是“讲”,tell a joke讲笑话,固定搭配。故选A。 由Even her eyes smil...
Once upon a time in India, there was a towncalled Boring. It was by the side of Dull Lake. It wasa strange town. The people of Boring never smiled;they did not know how to laugh - Whether it wasgrownups or children.What a town Boring was! No one knew how tosmile, laugh or cr...
Once upon a time in India, a young girl named Gheta lived in a small house with her mother. The mother worked hard to make enough money to support herself and her daughter. Every day, she milked their one cow. Then she took the milk to the market and sold it for a few rupees (...
AOnce upon a time in India, there was a town called Boring. It was by the side ofDull Lake. It was a strange town. The people of Boring never smiled, they did notknow how to laugh if they were grown-ups or children.No one knew how to smile, laugh or crack a joke. Life was ...
片名:Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India 译名:拉嘎安/荣耀之役/印度往事 导演:Ashutosh Gowariker 主演:Aamir Khan Rachel Shelley Paul Blackthorne Gracy Singh 类型:剧情/歌舞/运动 国家:印度 片长:225分钟 2002奥斯卡最佳外语片提名 剧情: 1893年英国军队入侵印度时期,英国军队以保护印度各省的统治者拉甲为由,...
Lagaan... Once Upon a Time in India A. R. Rahman、anuradha sriram酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论歌手 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧! 歌手 A. R. Rahman 8397粉丝关注 anuradha sriram 2粉...
印度阿米尔·汗电影《印度往事 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India 》歌舞4 布凡和高莉终于互诉衷肠,表明了爱意,爱情是天下最动人的音乐,她的甜柔融化了生活中的一切酸涩,她就是天堂...她超越了种族,超越了国界,甚至伊丽莎白也在布凡和高莉的对唱间隙唱出了她心中的秘密。 印度阿米尔...
lagaan中英文indiachampaner王公剧本 (对库奇区民众的爱、关心与关怀) (诚挚感谢库奇区的马哈劳普拉穆吆三世) (库奇区税收长) (普杰市警局、普杰市林务局) (达纳百兰吆阿耶、巴拉丘塔尼)(尼基夏、劳乌博士) (普杰市的艺人及库纳里亚村村民) (柯泰村村民与库奇区民众) (诚挚感谢阿米塔布巴沙坎先生) (维多利亚女...
Details Release date May 14, 2014 (France) Country of origin India Language Hindi Production company Dia Entertainment See more company credits at IMDbPro Box office Edit Budget ₹250,000 (estimated) See detailed box office info on IMDbPro ...