ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1, id2, memberFxn ) 参数id1 在连续范围的命令 ID 的命令 ID。 id2 命令ID。连续范围的命令 ID 的结尾。 memberFxn 命令更新消息映射处理程序函数的名称。备注更新消息处理程序更新菜单项和工具栏按钮的状态与命令关联。 范围与 id1 的 ID 与 id2的开头和末尾。消息...
ON_COMMAND_RANGE和ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE可以影射ID连续的Toolbar/Menu ID。 ON_COMMAND_RANGE影射的消息响应函数需要一个参数UINT表明是哪一个消息, afx_msg void OnZoom(UINT nID); 而ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE的消息响应函数则无此ID,与ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI的消息响应函数原型相同。 afx_msg void ...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1,id2,memberFxn) Parameters id1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are mapped. ...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE( id1 , id2 , memberFxn ) Parametersid1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are ...
项目 2015/06/09 本文内容 参数 备注 要求 请参见 ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1, id2, memberFxn ) 参数 id1 在连续范围的命令 ID 的命令 ID。 id2 命令ID。连续范围的命令 ID 的结尾。 memberFxn 命令更新消息映射处理程序函数的名称。
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1, id2, memberFxn ) Parameters id1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are mappe...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE( id1 , id2 , memberFxn ) Parameters id1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE PROPPAGEID PX_Blob PX_Bool PX_Color PX_Currency PX_DataPath PX_Double PX_Float PX_Font PX_IUnknown PX_Long PX_Picture PX_Short PX_String PX_ULong PX_UShort PX_VBXFontConvert RFX_Binary RFX_Binary_Bulk RFX_Bool RFX_Bool_Bulk RFX_Byte RFX_Byte_Bulk RFX_Date...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1, id2, memberFxn ) Parameters id1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are mappe...
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(id1, id2, memberFxn ) Parameters id1 Command ID at the beginning of a contiguous range of command IDs. id2 Command ID at the end of a contiguous range of command IDs. memberFxn The name of the update message-handler function to which the commands are mappe...