由于对时钟树的公共部分应用了不同降额系数而引起的悲观被称为“公共路径悲观度”CPP(Common Path Pessimism),在分析过程中应将其消除。CPPR(Common Path Pessimism Removal)表示“公共路径悲观度消除”,通常在路径报告中作为单独的条目列出,它也被标记为时钟收敛悲观度消除CRPR(ClockReconvergence Pessimism Removal)。
OCV(On-Chip Variations),也称为片上变化,是芯片内部由于工艺差异和PVT(过程、电压、温度)条件不同导致的局部性能不一致性。这种局部差异相较于多个批次间的全局差异更为显著,影响了芯片上不同区域的走线延迟和单元延迟。在时序分析中,OCV主要影响时钟路径,如通过derate(降额)来模拟不同区域的...
on chip variations(OCV) 今天我们要介绍的时序分析概念是on chip variations,简称OCV。OCV会对时序分析提出更严格的要求。那为什么需要OCV呢,因为制造工艺的限制,同一芯片上不同位置的MOS晶体管的性能会有一些差异。库中的PVT是一个"点",比如1.2V,250℃,工艺1.0。 但实际芯片的PVT永远不会落在一个点上,而是一...
在芯片设计的精密世界中,关注点往往聚焦于芯片内部的On-Chip Variations (OCV),这是一种由于电源电压和温度不稳定性导致的局部工艺差异。这些微小的变异可能影响电路的走线和单元延迟,从而对系统性能产生显著影响。OCV的精确建模在静态时序分析(Static Timing Analysis, STA)中扮演着关键角色,通过调整路径...
A statistical on-chip variation approach to timing analysis permits the automated or semi-automated selection of design-specific margins without requiring complex statistical libraries. By separately addressing the impact of random and systematic variations on timing, a design-specific margin can be obtain...
By separately addressing the impact of random and systematic variations on timing, a design-specific margin can be obtained and used in downstream OCV analysis. In addition, where statistical libraries are available for some portions of a design, these can be incrementally included in the timing ...
(0,0.5π), can be introduced to each part during the training stage, such as the signal loading and fabrication stages, to improve the system’s robustness against nanofabrication variations and phase fluctuations in measurement33. Last but not least, it is extraordinarily significant to further ...
(S) is fixed as 45 µm. This CPW feed is highly preferred over a microstrip line in on-chip antenna design since it exhibits lower losses when these lines are deposited directly on high resistivity silicon substrates and are less sensitive to bulk parameter variations such as changes in ...
Tan, Y. Cai, and X. Hong, “Statistical analysis of on-chip power delivery networks considering lognormal leakage current variations with spatial correlations,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications , vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2064–2075, Aug ...