根据文中的 On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions.可知,作者认为一座城市新旧并存也是有吸引力的。同时结合文中引用的安东尼的话 We've got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country. It's a pretty hard ...
相关知识点: 语篇 阅读技能 细节理解 文章体裁 记叙文 主题语境 旅游与交通 城市、景点与建筑 试题来源: 解析 另一方面Smokers have the right to smoke, but on the other hand they do not have the right to endanger the health of others. 吸烟者有权吸烟,但另一方面,他们没有危及他人的健康的权利.....
雅思作文中最普通的on the other hand其实出错率极高,好多同学都把on the other hand 用成了层层递进的感觉,但其实正确on the other hand 应该这么用戳视频,避免再出现低分的写作bug。#雅思写作##雅思# LSimon雅思的微博视频 小窗口 ...
名称:另一方面(on the other hand) 作者:霍华德▪马克斯 发布于:2019年7月26日 常常发生这样的事情,当我正要发表一篇备忘录时,我就会碰上某些我一定得加入的内容。6月12日就是这样的情况,备忘录《这次不同(This Time It’s Different)》发布那天。我正在阅读Ruffer,一个常驻伦敦的资金管理人,的一季报,然后...
3 人赞同了该文章 #猫叔长难句翻译练习100句# [第58句] [原文背景] [第58句] On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, ...
On the other hand 另一方面 I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我应该努力省钱。However 然而 This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.这是一个廉价而简单的过程。但也有危险。Otherwise 除此以外 There ...
每篇都有完整的可编辑的电子版,由于审核原因发不出来,获得方法看下方视频 On the other hand, intellectual prose, whether it is argumentative or essay, as long as it can achieve a sonorous tone, vivid image, and neat and organized writing, even though it is not about tender beauty or passionate...
on the other hand, 前后的内容是从对立的角度论述的 for one thing…for another,用于给出2个原因。on the one hand 前边可以用分号、句号 My car payments are high; on the other hand, I really enjoy driving such a nice vehicle. 我的汽车贷款很高; 另一方面,我真的很喜欢开这么好的车。If the ...
ontheotherhand夏蝉 夏季,炎热的天气中,唧唧声不绝于耳。走在街上,你是否曾被一阵阵高亢尖锐的鸣叫声所吸引?夏蝉,这是一个令人着迷的生物,它们的鸣叫和生活方式给我们带来了别样的夏天体验。 夏蝉,也被称为蝉,属于昆虫纲、半翅目、蝉科。在中国,夏蝉主要有蜡蝉、蚱蝉、应保蝉等几个种类,其中以蜡蝉最为常见。
写一篇正反观点对比类议论文 however;on the other hand;while; on the contrary; , 【写作任务】 whereas... , 现在,网购正在被越来越多的消费者所接受.但是,由网(5)表明作者的看法及理由: , 上购物所引发的问题也引起了人们的高度关注.请根 In my opinion; In my view;Personally, I think...;Taking...