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ON奥普帝蒙白金水解乳清蛋白粉HYDRO-WHEY健身增肌1.75磅欧普特蒙美国进口 *2件416.72元(合208.36元/件)什么值得买甄选出考拉海购优惠促销商品,包括奥普帝蒙其他营养报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
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京东商城 ON OPTIMUM 欧普特蒙 HYDRO WHEY水解分离乳清蛋白粉增肌粉健肌粉3.5磅 香草味【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名ON OPTIMUM 欧普特蒙 HYDRO WHEY水解分离乳清蛋白粉增肌粉健肌粉3.5磅 香草味【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东
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白金水解乳清蛋白Platinum Hydrowhey含有77%左右的水解乳清蛋白,粉质十分细腻。比起其他几款蛋白粉,胆固醇、脂肪和碳水的含量都更低,且含有多种混合酶剂,是消化和吸收效率最高的一款蛋白粉,在相似产品中也较为优秀。3磅白金水解乳清蛋白约530元,其价格比黄金标准乳清蛋白粉高了40%,如非消化功能不佳、乳糖不耐或...
Platinum Hydrowhey is the most advanced whey protein we’ve ever developed. In a word: Excellence. By hydrolyzing whey protein isolates to break larger proteins down into smaller pieces, these ultra-pure whey isolates are able to get into your system rapidly, enabling your muscles to start reco...
Products to consider: Stanley Quencher, Owala, and HydroJug The Stanley Quencher takes a top spot in the Home & Kitchen category in the Amazon store. It has become aviral sensationafter gaining attention from social media influencers.Interest in hydrationhas also risen in the past years as cust...